
Cold War Timeline

  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Creation of Warsaw Pact
    Stalin had the nations in his sphere of influence join the Warsaw Pact to counter the powerful NATO military and organization.
  • Four powers divide Germany

    Four powers divide Germany
    Germany was divided into four occupied zones: Great Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union all had split up sections.
  • American-Soviet cooperation ends at the end of WWII

    American-Soviet cooperation ends at the end of WWII
    The once-allied nations became rivals in a global power struggle that shaped much of the 20th century.
  • NATO set up

    NATO set up
    Its purpose was to ensure the security and defense of its member states in response to the threat of Soviet expansion during the Cold War.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    In 1948 Stalin had all the land routes into the Soviet quarter blockaded. They airlifted all of the supplies into their quarter for one year until Stalin realized he had lost the gamble and reopened the land routes.
  • Khrushchev calls for "peaceful co-existence"

    Khrushchev calls for "peaceful co-existence"
    This approach promoted a peaceful co-existence between the two superpowers and to avoid the risk of nuclear war.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    There was a conflict between North Korea and South Korea. China and the Soviet Union supported North Korea, and South Korea was supported by the United States.
  • Soviet Union develops H-Bomb

    Soviet Union develops H-Bomb
    This creation was a milestone in the arms race between the two superpowers during the Cold War.
  • Hungarian Revolt

    Hungarian Revolt
    This revolt lasted 12 days until the Soviet Union came crashing in and killed a quarter of a million Hungarian civilians.
  • Sputnik is launched

    Sputnik is launched
    The Soviet Union informed the world they had launched a satellite into orbit around the earth.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Where they had Cuban exiles in the United States trained and supplied with weapons in an attempt to overthrow the communist government.
  • Berlin Wall is built

    Berlin Wall is built
    The Berlin Wall was a guarded concrete barrier that separated West and East Germany.
  • Partial Test Ban Treaty signed

    Partial Test Ban Treaty signed
    It prohibited nuclear weapons testing. The treaty aimed to reduce radioactive fallout.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was a conflict over spheres of influence in the Caribbean.
  • American-Soviet Hotline established

    American-Soviet Hotline established
    Created a hotline to talk to each other directly and quickly
  • Czech uprising (Prague Spring)

    Czech uprising (Prague Spring)
    The Prague Spring was a reform to give rights to the people of Czechoslovakia.
  • SALT Treaty Signed

    SALT Treaty Signed
    During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union had agreed to limit the number of nuclear missiles.
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    An agreement signed by 35 nations in Europe to uphold and protect security and human rights.
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

    Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
    The Soviets joined in the communist Afghanistan war to annihilate anti-communist Muslim guerrillas.
  • Polish "solidarity" uprisings

    Polish "solidarity" uprisings
    This movement was the fall of communism in Poland and advocated for workers' rights and social change.
  • I.N.F Treaty Signed

    I.N.F Treaty Signed
    This treaty was signed between the United States and the Soviet Union to reduce any threat of nuclear war.
  • Berlin Wall torn down

    Berlin Wall torn down
    The fall of the Berlin Wall was the symbolic break in the Iron Curtain.
  • Iron Curtain Collapses

    Iron Curtain Collapses
    The fall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the end of the disruption between East and West Germany.
  • Germany is Reunited

    Germany is Reunited
    After the fall of the Berlin Wall, West and East Germany got to cross the wall and reunite with friends and families.
  • Soviet Union ceases to exist

    Soviet Union ceases to exist
    When Russia went back to a sovereign country