Cold war by l2a

Cold War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Hiroshima

    On august 6th of 1945 the united states began to start dropping nuclear bombs. They declared that japan will be their first victim. Doing so they dropped their first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
  • Nagasaki

    As the United states starts to become more comfortable with nuclear bombs they set out to do more damage. They still keep their eyes on japan. Now bombing Nagasaki
  • Churchill's iron curtain speech

    Churchill's iron curtain speech
    To make the world really see what was going on with europe and the soviet union a famous speaker, Winston Churchill gave his famous iron curtain speech. Stating how Europe has fallen under a iron curtain. He opened the eyes of many making the united states get involved
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan
    Seeing that Europe was struggling deeply and the Soviet union was trying to spread communism they decided to step in. They helped as much as possible and gave them billions of dollars. Although they were only really to help the western European countries
  • Berlins blockade

    Berlins blockade
    Since berlin was getting very defensive over the merger of the U.S and U.K Partions berlin began to cut off rail supplies to that sector. Meaning that people in the western part of berlin struggled extremely. They were cut off from food and needed supplies
  • NATO25

    NATO~ The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation formed from countries including, Belgium, Canada, Denmark,France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugual, United Kingdom, and United states. It was created so they can better each others military and become better countries.
  • The Korean war

    The Korean war
    The Korean War began on June 25 1950. This started when north Korea invaded South Korea. The korean war continued for a very long time
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    The Hungarian revolution began on October 23rd 1956. It began when Hungarians protested again communism in Belgium. It grew greatly causing the soviet union to bring tanks in Budapest. Hungary won for awhile but then the soviet union came back and defeated them and Hungary asked for aid.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    the space race began On November 1st 1957. It was against two Cold war rivals, The soviet Union and The United States.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first artifical earth satelite that went into outer space. This major leap was caused by the soviet union. Later sputnik II put the first dog into outter space.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    The U-2 incident occured while eisenhower was president of the united states. At this time the United states would send spies to spy on enemys on may first an american spy place was shot down by the soviet union.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was created on August 13th 1961. It sperated west and East Germany. The East did this to make sure no western "fascists" from entering
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The United States had a Spy that saw that the Soviet Union had a missile base in Cuba. This scared the United states and they made a blockade and demanded if they don't remove the missiles that they would have some problems
  • Olympic boycott

    Olympic boycott
    Numerous Countries boycotted the Olympics due to the fact the soviet union invaded Afghanistan.Some Countries like Great Britain participated under the Olympic flag and not their own.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    On November 9th 1989 the Berlin wall was torn down.They tore it down when the cold war began to slow across the eastern side of Germany. they declared at midnight that night that citizens were able to cross boarders
  • End of the cold war

    End of the cold war
    On December 26th 1991 the cold war ended. the soviet union recongised the war needed to end and it did.