Cold War Timeline

  • Eastern European Communist Governments

    Eastern European Communist Governments
    After world war 2 Albania was left in a unenviable state, this is why it was so easy to put a communist government into power.
  • Communist Seize Poland

    Communist Seize Poland
    In a time of need Poland was in need of help and the Soviet Union's support was just what they were looking for. Leading Poland to be reconstituted as a communist state.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    The Truman doctrine established that the United States would supply aid to those who oppose communist rule. This was a move that the Soviet Union did not appreciate
  • Soviet Union Frustration

    Soviet Union Frustration
    Frustrated with the United States Truman Doctrine, the Soviet Union responds by blocking off all supply access to Berlin. This was a very bold move my the Soviet Union.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    NATO was established to provide aid to any country threatened by the Soviet Union. NATO was also another way to unify nations together.
  • War in Korea

    War in Korea
    The Soviet Union declared war on Japan. Japan an ally of the United States moved troops in to South Korea, while the Soviet Union deployed troops into North Korea with the help of China.
  • Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

    Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
    The purpose of SEATO was to stop the spread of communist gaining control in the region. This organization was considered necessary after the war to prevent it from happening again
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw pact was made up of political and military alliance between the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. The signing of this pact established Soviet dominance in Europe.
  • Fidel Castro Sworn in

    Fidel Castro Sworn in
    Fidel Castro becomes prime minister of Cuba and place a communist government into power. Fidel came to power by leading a guerrilla campaign forcing Fulgencio Batista into exile.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was when the United states and the Soviet Union threatened each other with nuclear war. In the end both sides disassembled their nuclear weapons.