cold war timeline

  • bombed dropped in hirshima

    bombed dropped in hirshima
    the first and only nation to use atomic weaponery
  • truman doctorine

    truman doctorine
    it implied American support for other nations allegedly threatened by soviet communism
  • korean war

    korean war
    gave the US reason to increase its military expenditure four fold
  • suez crisis

    suez crisis
    threatened regional stabliity and challenged the US relantionship with two primary cold allies
  • vietman war

    vietman war
    created tension and fear between the US and USSR
  • hungarian revolt

    hungarian revolt
    exposed the weakness of eastern european communism
  • sputnik

    succesfully launched and entered earths orbit
  • berlin wall

    berlin wall
    changed how the two halves of the city functioned
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    direct and dangerous confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union
  • russians invade afghanistan

    russians invade afghanistan
    the fall of communism