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Cold War Timeline

  • Period: to

    Cold War Timeline

  • Communists seize power in Poland

    Communists seize power in Poland
    It was the communists first priority to have control over Poland. It stayed a communist area even after London poles were included in the Polish government.
  • Truman Doctrine is announced

    Truman Doctrine is announced
    Established by President Harry S. Truman. This document promised political, military and econmic help from the U.S to all democratic nations threatned by communism.
  • Communists win Chinese Civil War

    Communists win Chinese Civil War
    There were over 2 million men were lost in this war. Communists men were averaged at about 900,000 regular troops.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    It was previously known as Treaty of Friendship. 8 communist states created it.
  • East Germany builds Berlin Wall

    East Germany builds Berlin Wall
    It was built to completley cut off access to the West. It stood for 28 years and was nicknamed the Iron Curtain.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    It was a 13 day political and military stand off between the Soviet Union and the U.S. Missiles were not launched because the U.S promised to not invade Cuba.
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon wanted to establish plans for a permanent U.S trade mission in China. He wanted to improve relations with a communist country during the Cold War.
  • Solidarity Union is formed

    Initiated with Polish shipyard workers going on strike. The Unionnwas forcibly suppressed by the Polish government the following year.
  • The U.S invades Grenada

    They invaded Grenada to protect the ~1000 Americans there practicing medicine at the islands medical facility. The government was overthrown within a week.
  • Bush and Gorbachev agree to reunite Germany

    Also known as the second summit meeting. They agreed to unify Germany once more in 1994