Postwar recovery, Western Europe
At the end of World War Two, much of Western europe lay in ruins. Whenjobs attarcted immigrants from European former colonies, cuased more strain in places that struggled to adapt to the newcomers -
The Korean War
The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, a battle between North Korea and Pro-western south Korea. In July 1953, the Korean war came to an end , the Korean peninsula is still divided today. -
Space Race
October 4, 1957 changed history when the Soviet Union successfully launched an artifical satellite, Sputnik. The U.S. did not take lightly to this as they launched their own satellite. -
U2 Reconnaissance Plane
An American spy plane is shot down while conducting espianage over the Soviet Union. The incident deraied an important summit meeting between the American President and the Soviet leader. -
Bay of Pigs
CIA financed and trained Cuban refugees to attack the communist government. Over 100 attackers were killed, and more 1,100 were captured. -
Reagan visits the wall
On August 12, 1961 Reagan visits East Germany. In a speech he gave a speech in which he said "Tear down the wall". -
Cuban Missile Crisis
This was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United states and the Soviet Union. The dramatic Crisis was also characterized by the White house and the Kremlin level. -
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
The United States learned that the Soviet Union had embarked upon a massive Intercontinental Ballistic Missile buildup. The Develpment of an Anti-Billistic Missile defense system around Moscow. -
Soviet invaded Afghanistan
The Soviet Union sent thousands of troops into Afghanistan and immediately assumed control of Kabul and the country. This event began the brutal, decade-long attempt by Moscow to subdue the Afghanistan Civil War. -
Reunited Germany
German reunification took place on October 3, 1990, when the areas of the German Republic. The Berlin wall was built bt the East Germans was taken down.