Cold War Timeline

  • HUAC

    The House Un-American Activities Committee was created to find and take down communist. The HUAC investigated the government, unions, armed forces, and many other organizations and people. They ended up finding many communist activites in the United States. The HUAC hearings that were best known were targeting the movie industry.
  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference was a meeting between Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin, also known as the Big Three. This conference was held at the Black Sea in February of 1945. They agreed that the countries of Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania would now hold free elections. Both Churchill and Roosevelt agreed, but Stalin decided to take back on his prosmises. This conference would lead to the Potsdam Conference.
  • End of World War II

    World War II ended in 1945 due to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the surrendering of the Axis Powers. The war resulted to several million deaths, making it the most deadliest war in history. The European economy collapsed, along with the Soviet Union. But the economy of Italy, France, and America had experience rapid growth after WWII.
  • The Beginning of the Baby Boom

    The baby boom began in 1945, when soldiers returned from the war they started to get married and having children leading to a rapid growth in the U.S. population. With babies being borned the economy increased and a increasement in jobs. The baby boom last from 1945 to 1964.
  • Potsdam Conference

    After Harry Truman replaced Roosevelt as president when he passed away. The Big Three went through a big change with Winston Churchill also being replaced by Clement Atlee, leaving Stalin as the only one left of the orignal Big Three. At this conference the new Big Three agreed to split Germany in four zones with the U.S.S.R., the U.S., Britain, and France. This would lead to the Berlin Wall being built. New borders and free elections for Poland were also part of the agreement.
  • The Nuclear Arms Race

    The Nuclear Arms Race was what the Cold War was about. It was between the Soviet Union, the United States, and their allies during the Cold War. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to this happening. The Space Race was very similar to the Nuclear Arms Race. People in America were in fear, because everyday they were anticipating a bomb.
  • The Creation of the U.N.

    The United Nations was founded in 1945 as result of World War II. Also due to the failure of the similar League of Nations, the U.N. was made to justify for what the League of Nations couldn't do. The U.S., the Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China received permanent seats on the Security Council. China was chosen so the Soviet Union wasn't left out as the only communist country.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    President Truman made a promise known as the Truman Doctrine to help or aid any nation that is fighting communism. Greece and Turkey were the first nations to receive this aid. However, they weren't the only ones as South Vietnam and Korea received help from America's new foreign policy.
  • The Marshall Plan

    This foreign policy is very similar to the Truman Doctrine. Except this aid was to economically help European countries after WWII. The U.S. approximately gave $3 million to Western Europe in grants and loans. The Marshall Plan helped other countries and America economically by increasing its trade. It also worked against the spread of communism.
  • Formation of NATO

    Twelve nations in eastern Europe and North American banded together to defend there selves against western Europe and Soviet Union. The formation of this alliance led to the Warsaw Pact. NATO is a abbreviation for North Atlantic Treaty Organization and was formed in 1949. In May 9, 1955, West Germany joined NATO.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War was a war over communism between North Korea, who was for communism and South Korea who were against it. China was on North Korea's side, while the U.S. supported South Korea in the war. The war started on June 25, 1950 as North Korea attacked South Korea across the 38th parallel. After several invasion from both sides, the Allied forces had stabilized their position near the 38th parallel. The war ended on July 27, 1953.
  • Hollywood Ten

    Due to most HUAC hearings targeting the movie industry, writers, producers, and actors known as the Hollywood Ten were probed but refused to answer questions, defending their rights against self - incrimination. The hearings would have the Hollywood Ten convicted and sent to prison. A blacklist was created to prevent anybody who was or suspected of being communist or having communist ties. This list prevented writers, actors, and many other from doing work in movies or shows.
  • McCartyhyism

    McCarthyism is a term that came from little-known Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy. The term is a catchword for extreme, reckless charges. The cause of this was due to McCarthy's irrepsonsible allegations about domestic communism. His accusations caused several job loss and ruined their reputation. John McCarthy started to gain power, but quickly lost it after he accused the Army.
  • The Red Scare

    In the late 1940s and 50s, the Red Scare started. The Red Scare was a reaction to the fear of communism in America. A similar Red Scare happened in 1919 and 1920, but wasn't as huge as the Red Scare that followed WWII. The Red Scare would lead to President Truman creating the Federal Employee Loyalty Program and Smith Act to stop communism in America.
  • Rosenbergs

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed after being found guilty of spying for the Soviet Union. Their trial was held on March 6, 1951 with both Julius and Ethel being sentenced to execution. The Rosenberg trial was right in the middle of the Red Scare, which made the trial more controversial.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    When West Germany joined NATO, the Soviet Union and other eastern communist countries felt threatned and formed the Warsaw Pact to counter NATO. The Soviet Union was the leading country of the pact. Other countries were Czechoslovakia, Poland, Albania, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and East Germany that were included in the Warsaw Pact. Like the NATO, nations in the pact defended each other if one was under attack. Since the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact, they had strong control.