Cold War Timeline

  • The Red Scare

    2 periods of strong communism in the United States. The first red scare took place from 1919-1920 and the second red scare took place from 1947-1957. They were both in the United States.
  • HUAC

    The HUAC investigated communist activity in the United States. This comitee produced dramatic communists in america.
  • Rosenburgs

    a poor couple from Manha then that was tested fro being communist spies. they were accused of being threats to the United States.
  • Creation of the U.N.

    An organization that means United Nations that many people hoped would suceed where the leagur of nations had failed. Delegates from some nations met in San Fransico to write the character set-up It's permanent home New York.
  • Yalta Conference

    the big three agreed that Poland, Bulgaria, and Romanian would hold free elections, however Stalin later regened this promise. It was a stategy meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    The United States realized in 1949 that the Soviet Union had set off an Atomic Bomb. The United States then knew that they werent the only country to have an atomic weapon.
  • Potsdam Conference

    It split Germany into four sections and Clement Atlee replaced Churchill as the Prime Minister of Britain. Stalin also reaffirmed his Yalta Pledge for the war against Japan.
  • End of World War 2

    It was a world war caused by many consulties. It also cause the Nuclear War, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Baby Boom

    Men that are returning to the United States from World War 2, that are bringing many of new born children into this world.
  • McCarthyism

    Was a practice of disloyalty, or a major reason without proper evidence.
  • Truman Doctrine

    President Truman asked both houses of congress to financially help Greece and Turkey in their struggle to defend themselves against communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    A foreign policy that offered economic aid to Western Europe countries after World War 2 was believed that his policy helped with both economics.
  • Formation of the NATO

    The organization that was formed by providing military alliance to protect countries from Soviet expasims. As a response the Soviet Union and its satellite states formed by the Warsaw Pact.
  • Hollywood Ten

    a group of writer producers and directors from the movie industry that invoked their 5th ammendment right not to answer questions reguarding their communist activities by the HVAC.
  • Korean War

    North Korea invaded the south in an attempt to establish communism. President Truman felt that Korea was in danger.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    all three comunists states of Eastern Europe except Yugoslavia.Was a War that lasted for several years.