The Arms Race
The signifcance of this event is easily seen in the Cold War era and even the in the 21st century. These weapons of mass destruction caused a tension that started in 1945: when America silienced the Japanese by dropping two Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The next stage of tension to rise was when Russia developed their own atomic bomb in 1949 causing a massive arms race between America and Russia. -
The Berlin Wall
The end of world war two was the beginning of a new war the cold war the allied powers divided up Germany from east to West inside East Germany laid the capital city Berlin the city was divided into four parts the east part was U.S.S.R the North west part France the east part Britain and the south west part the U.S.A. Later Berlin became East and West with the French Britain and U.S.A joining there land together. In nineteen sixty one on the 13th of August the Berlin wall went up overnight truck -
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Cold War
The Korean War
As this didn't involve America and Russia physically, their precence was felt none the less. The communist ideals versues the Capitalist life seemed to be the debate within unstable country, this war was a proxy war for Russia and America which simply was trying to persuade each part of Korea to their sides. It was a proxy war because it was a simulated response to what would happen if communist Russia faced up against Capitalist America. -
The Space Race
This is the most significant compition between nations because it doesn't revolve around conflict but inside building technology to over come the other, and be the first to achieve off planet missions using human pilots. -
The Cuban Missle crisis
The U.S government became alarmed by the new Cuban government, this led to a growing fear that the U.S may intervene to oppose the Cuban government. This fear emerged in 1961, Cuban exiles trained by the U.S staged an invasion of Cuban territory at the Bay of Pigs, although the invasion was resisted. -
The Salt Treaty
The strategic arms limitation (SALT 1) was a political agreement to disarm highly dangerous weapons in response to the tension and destruction that the A bomb caused. The treaty was signed on the November 1969 between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was officially and finally enforced 6 months after were it was stated to last 5 years. With the aim to reduce the development and creation of multiple nuclear offensive and defensive weapons, the progress was halted for both nations. With