Cold War Timeline

  • Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia

    Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia
    -A civil war was happening in China between the Nationalists and the Communists.-The two temporarily joined forces to defeat the Japanese when they invaded. Even though the Nationalists were getting a lot of funding from the United states, the money usually fell into the hands of corrupt generals and the Nationalists barely fought. -They were saving their energy to fight the Communists.
  • Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia

    Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia
    -The Nationalists were losing the war and so they fled to the small island of Taiwan. The US was helping the Nationalists rebuild on Taiwan and the renamed it the Republic of China. While the US was helping the Nationalists, the Soviets were helping the communists grow stronger through the mainland of china.-The nationalists ended up losing the war and china made an alliance with the soviets.-The chinese spread to other bordering countries under Communist control.
  • Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia

    Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia
    -The communists set up 2 parallel organizations, the Communist party and the national government with Mao Zedong at the head of both.-Mao tried to fix food problems by, making communes on farmland in which 25,000 people lived together and they farmed their own food, but it failed because no one but the state benefitted from their labor so they had no incentive to work. So eventually the crops failed and Zedong was forced to give up on the Communes.
  • Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia

    Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia
    Zedong slowly lessened his role in leadership and other leaders moved away from his social equality ideas which ultimately went against communist major goals.
  • Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia

    Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia
    And the Soviet Union looked at China and saw what was missing so they started to give China food and they supported literacy in China.  This converted many of the peasants of China to Communist.  Then they started to use propaganda to convert the nationalist into communist.  The U.S.A acted they way they did in supporting the nationalist because they were against the Soviet Union.
  • Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia

    Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia
    Because they did not support communism and they were fighting against it the best plan of action for the U.S.A at the time was to support the nationalist.  This gave the U.S.A an ally in fighting the Soviet Union.
  • Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia

    Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia
    The Soviet Union helped the communist in China to grow because the Soviet Union were a communist country and the goal of the Soviet Union was to convert the world to communism.  This made them support the communist in China because if they converted China into communist then they could have another country to support their ideas and back them up at all times.
  • Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia

    Mao Zedong and the Communist Control of Russia
    -After Japan Surrendered the Nationalists and the Communists were back at it. At the beginning the Nationalists had the upper had because they outnumbered the Communists 3 to 1. But they did little to win popular support, and with china’s economy collapsing thousands of Nationalist soldiers switched over to the communist side.
  • The Causes of the Cold War

    The Causes of the Cold War
    *See Powerpoint.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • U.S.A Containment

    U.S.A Containment
    -In 1947 U.S.A secretary of state created a plan called the -Marshall plan that would assist any European country that needed it.
    -The plan was approved in 1948 when Czechoslovakia was taken over by the communists.
    -The plan was a huge success.
  • U.S.A Containment

    U.S.A Containment
    -In 1947 adopted a foreign policy called containment.
    -This policy was supposed to stop the spread of communism.
    -This included creating alliances to assist weak countries resist Soviet control.
    -In 1947 President Truman came out and expressed his support for countries that rejected communism.
    -This was a document called the Truman Doctrine.
    -Some opponents felt that the US should not get involved.
    -Congress authorized $400 million to go to aid in Turkey and Greece.
  • U.S.A Containment

    U.S.A Containment
    The U.S.A acted the way that they did when adopting a containment plan because they opposed communism. The U.S.A wanted to stop the U.S.S.R from spreading communism and capturing other countries any way that they could. So they wanted to publicize this so they started the containment plan which was controversial in some countries.
  • U.S.A Containment

    U.S.A Containment
    The U.S.A acted the way that they did during these events and created the Truman doctrine because they wanted to stop communism and help weak countries oppose communism. The U.S.A created the Marshall plan that would assist any European country that needed to rebuild.
  • U.S.A Containment

    U.S.A Containment
    This did two things, one thing was that it rebuilt Europe. The second thing that it did for the U.S.A was that it made the countries that were rebuilding so that if the countries that were weak from World War 2 were invaded by the U.S.S.R they could defend themselves from the Soviet Union.
  • U.S.A Containment

    U.S.A Containment
    The U.S.S.R acted the way that they did during these events by capturing Czechoslovakia because they wanted to expand. The U.S.S.R’s ultimate goal was to make the whole world communist so they felt that they needed to expand. This caused them to capture Czechoslovakia which ended up making the U.S.A start the Marshall plan.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    -During the war when the Soviet Union was pushing back the ------Nazis they occupied many countries along their western border.
    -After the war the Soviet Union set up communist governments in these countries.
    -This created a division between the capitalist countries in the east and the communist nations in the west.
    -Russia did this because they believed that communism was the best form of government, and this strip of nations on their western border helped to protect them from invasion.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    -The U.S.A asked the U.S.S.R to let free elections to happen in Eastern Europe. This did not happen.
    -Germany and Europe were split into two.
    -East Germany became the German Democratic Republic and was controlled by the Soviet Union.
    -Western Germany became the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949.
    -Winston Churchill referred to the “iron curtain” as the line between western Europe and Eastern Europe.
    -Eastern Europe was communist Europe.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    The U.S.S.R acted the way that they did during these events by denying anyone any request and making the iron curtain because they wanted to be the most powerful in the world. The Soviet Union made the iron curtain because they wanted to become as powerful as possible and occupy as many countries as possible. By creating the iron curtain the U.S.S.R felt that they had a safety net between them and the rest of the world.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    This was because they felt that they were in danger because in World War 2 they were very easily invaded by Nazi Germany. The U.S.S.R did not let Eastern Europe have free votes because it was a threat to their communist ways of life. They split Germany into two because they felt that Germany was their biggest threat so they occupied half of Germany after the war.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    This was because they felt that they were in danger because in World War 2 they were very easily invaded by Nazi Germany. The U.S.S.R did not let Eastern Europe have free votes because it was a threat to their communist ways of life. They split Germany into two because they felt that Germany was their biggest threat so they occupied half of Germany after the war.
  • The Iron Curtain

    The Iron Curtain
    The U.S.A asked the U.S.S.R to let Eastern Europe to have free open elections because the U.S.A was against communism and didn’t want communism to spread to all of the countries in the U.S.S.R.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    -The U.S.S.R took away water, highway, and rails into western Berlin. -The western side started to starve.-Stalin hoped that the Americans, French, and British would stop trying to reunite Germany.-The U.S.A and Britain started to fly food and supplies into the city for 11 months.-In May 1949, the U.S.S.R lifted the blockade and admitted defeat.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    The U.S.S.R acted the way that they did during these events because they wanted to keep Germany weak. The U.S.S.R wanted to keep Germany divided because Germany was a enemy to the U.S.S.R. Also in World War 2 the German army invaded the U.S.S.R even though they were allies.The U.S.S.R felt betrayed and did not want Germany to be able to cause the causalities in Russia that they did during the second World War.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    This made Germany one of the U.S.S.R’s biggest rivals which is why they did not want Germany to rebuild and have the power to start another war and attack the U.S.S.R again. The U.S.A acted the way that they did during this event because they wanted to bring together Germany into one country that could operate on their own. They flew food in because they knew that if they kept the city alive the U.S.S.R would back out of the siege on Berlin.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    The U.S.S.R thought that if they starved Berlin then the U.S.A, France, and Britain would give up on reuniting Germany and leave Germany to them. But because the U.S.A and Britain flew in food they gave up.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    -When Europe began to rebuild after World War 2 the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R began to fight about what to do with Germany.-The U.S.S.R wanted to keep Germany weak and leave troops in Germany.-The U.S.A, France, and Britain withdrew there troops from Germany in 1948. -This allowed the areas that they were in to become one big country.-This made the U.S.S.R occupy the western side or Berlin.-Even though Berlin was in the Soviet area of Germany it was split into four parts.
  • NATO and the Warsaw Pact

    NATO and the Warsaw Pact
    -The Berlin blockade that separated East Berlin from West Berlin made Western Europe even more afraid of the soviet union.-Because of this, In 1949 10 western european countries as well as Canada and the United States joined together to make NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) a defensive alliance.-This meant that if the Soviet Union attacked any NATO member then an armed force from each other member would go to protect that country.
  • NATO and the Warsaw Pact

    NATO and the Warsaw Pact
    -The soviet union saw the NATO alliance  as a threat and made an alliance of their own in 1955 called the Warsaw Pact. This Pact included the Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania.-Not every Country joined a side, India chose not to go with either side, and even though China was the largest communist country in the world they didn’t trust the Soviet Union so they didn’t join a side either.
  • NATO and the Warsaw Pact

    NATO and the Warsaw Pact
    The U.S.S.R acted the way that they did during this event by making it’s own alliance that would challenge NATO because the U.S.S.R felt that NATO was a threat that they could not stop.  Because NATO outmatched the U.S.S.R 10 countries to one if it got into a war it would be destroyed by NATO and would have barely been able to put up a fight.
  • NATO and the Warsaw Pact

    NATO and the Warsaw Pact
    So the U.S.S.R made a pact with other countries that were not in NATO.  This made them feel much safer and made them feel that they still were a powerful nation because they could go toe to toe with any other country because of their pact.  The U.S.A joined NATO because they felt that the U.S.S.R was too much of a threat.
  • NATO and the Warsaw Pact

    NATO and the Warsaw Pact
    By joining NATO the U.S.A made the U.S.S.R seem weak because if war broke out then NATO would be able to stop the U.S.S.R. which helped to stop war because the U.S.S.R knew they would be destroyed. Also the U.S.A knew that joining NATO would stop other wars between large powers in the war.  So to the U.S.A the best move at the time was to join NATO and stop the U.S.S.R from starting a war.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    -1952 U.N regained control of South Korea.-On July 1953, the UN forces and North Korea signed a ceasefire agreement, after the war Korea remained divided.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Soviet Union acted the way that they did during these events because they wanted the communist to gain more land.  Because North Korea was communist the Soviet Union felt that if they helped them then communism would spread to South Korea.  So they felt that the best plan of action was to give North Korea a strong army so that they could invade South Korea and convert it to communism.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The U.S.A acted the way that they did during these events because they did not want the communist to gain any ground.  The U.S.A wanted to protect South Korea because they felt that if they protected this country then they would stop the spread of communism to it.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    So they wanted to protect South Korea, so they felt that the best plan was to send their army into Korea so that they could save South Korea and stop the spread of communism.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    -Truman decided to help South Korea resist communism.-South Korea asked for help from the U.N.-In 1950 North Korea had control of the entire peninsula.-In October 1950 china sends 300,000 troops into North Korea because they felt threatened by the U.N and America.  China outnumbered all of the other troops. -In January 1951, China pushed Americans and United Nations out of North Korea.-MacArthur called for a nuclear strike against China but Truman shut him down.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    -End of WWII korea becomes divided, In 1949 most soviet and american troops withdrew from korea. -Soviets gave North Korea tanks, planes and money to overtake the peninsula because they thought that america wouldn’t defend Korea.-On June 25,1950 North Korea crosses the border and launches a surprise attack on south korea, Pres. Truman thought that North Korea was pulling another hitler type of crusade.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    -While the two alliances (NATO and the Warsaw Pact) were forming, the Soviet Union and the United States were having an arms race.-Both countries already had A-bombs or Atomic bombs, but the United states wanted something more powerful before the Soviets. President Truman authorized the creation of a thermonuclear bomb.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    -In 1952 the United States tested their first H-bomb or Hydrogen bomb. This bomb was thousands of times more powerful than the atomic bomb. In 1953 the Soviet Union also detonated their own atomic weapon in 1953.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    -In 1953 Dwight Eisenhower became the president of the United States of America. He appointed his secretary to be the anti-communist John Dulles. Dulles said that if the soviets or any of its allies attacked the United States then they would instantly retaliate by using their newly developed hydrogen bomb on a location of their choosing.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    -The United States started to built up its nuclear stockpile, and its air force. The soviets responded by doing the same and the arms race continued.-In 1957 the Soviets announced the creation of a missile that could travel great distances. They called it the ICBM or the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. They used this Missile to push Sputnik the first unmanned satellite into space.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    -America felt like they had fallen behind in science and technology. The government put a lot of money toward science and technology, and they later sent their own satellite into space.-Eisenhower had earlier proposed the idea that the Soviet Union and the United States could fly over each others territories to protect against any surprise nuclear attacks and the Soviets declined the idea.So the CIA sent U-2 spy planes over to Russia to spy on the soviets. In 1960 a U-2 plane was shot down.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    -In 1960 a U-2 plane was shot down and its pilot was captured. This increased the tension of the war.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    The U.S.A acted the way that they did by making a Hydrogen bomb because they wanted to feel safe from the U.S.S.R.  They built the Hydrogen bomb because they wanted to be more powerful than the U.S.S.R so that the U.S.S.R would not dare to attack them with the Soviet Union’s atomic bombs.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    It was good enough for the U.S.A to develop only a few H-Bombs until one year later when the U.S.S.R made their own H-Bomb.  Then the U.S.A had no leverage  on the Soviet Union so they had to act once again.  The U.S.A immediately started to create more bombs and develop their air force even more.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    After the Soviet Union pushed sputnik into space with a ICBM the U.S.A got nervous after seeing the Soviet Union using missiles that could go into space.  So the U.S.A put money into science and technology so that they could catch up to the Soviet Union.  Because the U.S.A was getting so nervous they started to fly planes over Russia because they wanted to make sure they were not falling too far behind.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    The Soviet Union acted the way that they did by duplicating a H-Bomb a year after the U.S.A because they needed to take away all of the U.S.A’s leverage in the cold war.  By taking away the leverage that the U.S.A had with the H-Bomb the U.S.S.R evened out the playing field.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    Once the U.S.A started to build up its air force and build more bombs the U.S.S.R wanted to keep the playing field level and not let the U.S.A get ahead and pose a large threat to the U.S.S.R.  Then the U.S.S.R launched a missile into space to show the U.S.A how technically advanced they are.
  • The arms race

    The arms race
    This was to make the U.S.A panic and a display of how powerful they really are.  Then when the U.S.S.R found out the U.S.A was flying planes over Russia they shot them down because they did not want the U.S.A to know where they were and what they were doing.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    -After wwII rapid industrialization happened in Latin America, many of these countries alternated between short- lived democracy and harsh military rule.-After the war, communism inspired revolutionary movements which found Soviet support so the United States provided military and economic assistance to anti-Communist dictators.-In 1950, Cuba was ruled by an unpopular dictator Fulgencio Batista who had U.S. support, this lead to a revolution which overthrew Batista in January 1959.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    -Fidel Castro led that revolution, at first people adored Castro for bringing social reforms, he suspended elections jailed or executed his opponents, and controlled the press, in 1960 the CIA began to train anti-Castro Cuban exiles.-April 1961 the U.S invaded Cuba, landing at the Bay of Pigs but the United States did not provide the  air support and were destroyed.-This convinced Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev that the United States would not resist Soviet expansion in Latin America.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    -In July 1962, Khrushchev secretly began to build 42 missile sites in Cuba.-In October 1962 an American spy plane discovered the missiles,  President John F. Kennedy declared that missiles close to the U.S. mainland were a threat, he demanded their removal and also announced a naval blockade of Cuba to prevent the Soviets from installing more missiles.-Castro claimed that Cuba was being used by the U.S.S.R,  the missile crisis left Castro completely dependent on the Soviet Union.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S.A supported the anti-communist dictators because they did not want communism to take over Latin America.  The U.S.A gave money to the anti-communist dictators because they felt that the best way to stop the spread of communism was to make the leaders that controlled every part of the lives of Latin Americans stop supporting communism.  If the dictators did not support communism then the spread of communism would be very hard for the Soviet Union.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    After the U.S.S.R got the support of Cuba they started to send missiles in because they wanted to make the U.S.A nervous.  The U.S.S.R succeeded in this because the missiles were so close to the U.S.A they could not be safely shot down by the U.S.A.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S.S.R acted the way that they did and tried to spread communism to Latin America because their ultimate goal was to make the world communist.  The U.S.S.R started to support revolutionaries in Latin America because they felt that if they supported them then when the countries revolutions succeeded then the countries would be communist.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S.A began to train anti-Castro Cubans because with Fidel Castro supporting the Soviet Union, and taking orders from them the U.S.A felt that he was their greatest threat.  The U.S.A invaded Cuba because they wanted Fidel Castro out of power and a new leader that was anti-communist.  The U.S.A wanted the missiles to be removed from Cuba because with the missiles so close it made everyday very nervous for the U.S.A because any day the U.S.S.R could send missiles at them.  
  • The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
    -On August 18, 1991, the hardliners detained Gorbachev at his vacation home on the Black Sea.-On August 20, the hardliners ordered troops to attack the parliament building, but they refused.-Their refusal turned the tide. On August 21, the military withdrew its forces from Moscow.-That night, Gorbachev returned to Moscow.-The coup attempt made the communist party angry.-Because the coup failed the communist party collapsed.-The CIS was started.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The U.S.S.R acted the way that they did by dismantling and not being the U.S.S.R anymore because they did not have an option to not.  Because they seized power during a coup which is a illegal siege of power in a country they could not do anything when the coup attempt failed which made people that lived in the U.S.S.R angry which made the government collapse.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The U.S.A acted the way that they did during these events because they wanted to make Germany whole again.  They did not feel that it was fair that Germany was not whole and that one side of Germany was living in horrible conditions.  The communist party thought that it would be a good idea to tear down the wall because it would restore the peace but it did the opposite and caused the communist party to collapse.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
    -His idea failed and in 1989 the East Germany Communist Party fell.-Germany became one nation on October 3, 1990.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Soviet Union and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
    -On Christmas day 1991, Gorbachev resigned from being the leader of the U.S.S.R.-The East German government closed its borders.-By October 1989, riots were breaking out in Germany.-In June 1987, President Reagan stood in front of the Berlin Wall and said “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”-A new leader was in East Germany his name was Egon Krenz.-He felt to fix Germany he had to tear down the wall and let
    -Germany become one in hope to save communism in Germany.