cold war timelime

  • george kennan

    a diplomat and historian he was best know for as an advocate of a policy of containment or soviet expansion during the cold war. he was born feb,16,1904 in milwaukee,wi
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    policy of containment

    the u.s strategy to prevent the spread of communism the policy was a response to series of moves by the USSR to Bergen its communist sphere of influence in eastern Europe,China,Korea,and Vietnam.
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    Korean war

    north Korea attacked the 38 parallel into south Korea they were supported by USSR and ever since the Russians goal was to make the land of Korea to be theirs and to make the us back off.
  • the lunch of sputnik

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    Vietnam war

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    bay of pigs invasion

  • creation of the Berlin wall

    it was built to keep all of the southern of koreans out
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    Cuban missile crisis

    it was a 13 day battle between the u.s and the soviet where missile lunches all over cuba were fired at the u.s
  • the agreement on salt 1

  • the agreement of salt 2

  • the soviet vs Afghanistan

    after salt 2 the soviet sent over one thousand troop to take over a.f
  • the fall of communism in the USSR

    a longtime communist party politician named Mikhail Gorbachev assumed the leadership of the USSR
  • the fall of the Berliner wall

    after they finally got finished building the wall like an hour later the people of the town blow it up