

  • Period: to

    Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    After the bombing of the two towns with the nuclear bombs America declared its self a national super power which Russia did become intimidated which cased future tensions and eventually the cold war
  • The beginning

    It begain with the surrender of Nazi Germany, also due to the rough aliance between the US and Great Britin and the colapse of the soviet Union
  • NATO established

    NATO established
    NATO is an agreement between America, Canada, and other European countries to protect one onther fro Russia which upset Russia
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    America was trying to contain the spread of communism in Korea which Russia was for Communism which caused conflict between the two
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    American scientist create the hydrogen bomb and Russia hears about this which causes Russia to start working on their own experiments
  • SPutnik

    This was Russias first satelite in space which was also the the first in the world which caused America to out do them years later

    It was a failed invasion of Cuba by Cuba exiles which lead to a shift in internatinal relations between America, Cuba, and Russia
  • Cuban missle chrisis

    Russian had givine Nuclear missles to Cuba which they almost used on America and this was the closest to going to nuclear war
  • FIrst man on the moon

    FIrst man on the moon
    AMerica did the unthinkable by putting a man on the moon and bringing him back safley which cause RUssia to try to do the same but failed multiple times
  • Cold war end

    With colapse of the Soviet Union the cold war also came to an end