Marshall plan
The Marshall plan was created to help western Europe get rebuilt after WWII. The United states ended up diving a totall of 13 billion dollars to multiple countries. Another reason for the donation of all this money was to make sure that more countries didn't fall to communism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Plan -
Chinese Revolution
The Chinese Revolution was the overthrow of the old Chinese governemnt and replaced by Communism. Fighting between stopped briefly during WWII so they were not concored by the Japanese. Even with the support of the United States with money and arms theat was not enough to withstand the influence of communism. https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/chinese-rev -
Vietnam War
The United Stated first started fighting in Vietnam on November 1st 1955 and the fighting ended after more than 19 long years. The United States supported the government in south Vietnam and the north was supported by both China, Soviet Union, and other communist parties. The Vietnam war was honestly one of the worst wars the US has ever fought, with thousands of americans dead or wounded. Instead of the US using our trained troops to fight we decided to use the reserve to try and fight the war. -
Sputnik was the first satellite sent into space, and it was sent by the USSR. Sputnik travled at a speed of 18,000 mph and completed one orbit in about 92 minutes. The satellite was only in orbit for about thre months and burned up on re-entry oto earth This launch was the offical start of the space race between the Unites States and the Soviet Union. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_1 -
Bay of Pigs
The Bay of Pigs was organized bu the CIA and was designed to overthrow Fidel Castro and get rid of communism in Cuba. The opperation was funded aproximantly 13 million dollars and had over 1,400 Cuban counter revolutionary forces. The mission failled miserably and it only stengthened Castro's posisiton in leadership. Castro publicly interigated most off the troops and they were sent to Cuban prisons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_of_Pigs_Invasion -
Berlin wall
The Berlin wall was created to seperate Berlin and made it competely cut off by land from west Berlin. The wall had multiple gaurd towers and it was made very hard to get through. The wall started to be demolished on June 13th 1990 and was completely down in 1992. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Wall -
SR 71
The SR 71 was build during the middle of the cold war as a spy plane. It was, and still is the fastest plane on earth with a top speed of approximantly 2,200 miles per hour at an alttitude of 75,000 feet to 85,000 feet. This plane was so fast no missle launched from land was able to catch it. This spy plane provided clear pictures for the US government of the USSR. Also it was never shot down and the USSR was never able to replicate the plane. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-instit -
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was pretty much the end of the space race between the USSR and the US. Apollo 11 was a succesful american mission that landed the first people on the moon. Apollo 11 was the fifth manned mission of NASA's Apollo program. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11