Period: to
Cold War Project
The sputnik was the first artificial earth device put into space. Started the space race between the Soviets and the United States while simultaneously adding tensions between the two countries -
U-2 incident
Soviet air defenses shot down U-2 spy plane from the United States, which in turn caused a confrontation between the US and the Soviets. Pilot Francis Powers was the pilot of the spy plane and was traded back to the US for a Soviet spy. -
Yuri Gagarin
Yuri Gagarin was the first person to ever reach space. Through the Vostok 1, the Soviet entered space and orbited earth. When he got back, he won the Hero of the Soviet Union award. -
Bay of Pigs
The United States ambushed Cuba with Cuban citizens who fled their homes. Cuba used all of it military in attack because they did not know to what extent the attack was, which in turn made the whole idea a failure for the US. All the soldiers were either captured or killed. The captured were traded back for supplies. -
Alan Shepard Jr.
Alan Shepard Jr. was the first person in the history of the United States to reach space, and the second person in the world. Shepard went to space on the Freedom 7 spaceship. -
Vienna Summit Meeting
At this summit, Kennedy from the United States and Khrushchev from the Soviet Union, met in order to discuss the issues that the two countries had with each other. Things that were discussed were the Cuban missile crisis and the bay of pigs invasion. -
Building of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was built in order to separate the communists ideas in the east in Germany from the democratic ideas in the west. Some eastern Germans were satisfied with life in the communist east to they moved over where they felt most comfortable in the west. Families were separated by this guarded wall because people were not allowed to go back and forth between the two sides without authorization. -
United States going to DEF-CON 2
The US was on the brink of nuclear was with the Soviets when they found that the Soviets had a missile site in Cuba. Kennedy publicly denounced the Soviets for having this site which was the closest the US got to war with the soviets. -
Rudolf Anderson
Was the only person killed during the Cuban missile crisis when his U-2 spy plane was shot down. This was the turning point of the Cold War because it led to Khrushchev calling off the missiles from Cuba. -
Khrushchev calls missiles out of Cuba
The two superpowers countries were on the brink of war with each other and the reason was because of the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba. At the last second the Soviet Union called the missiles out of Cuba and called the ships off from coming from the Soviet Union.