Watergate Scandal
Richard Nixon was accused of wire tapping and spying on opposing candidates. He became the first president to resign from office. -
Gerald Ford Becomes President.
Gerald Ford was sworn into office after the reignation of Nixon. He was the only person to become President without previously being elected to President or Vice-President. Ford was concerned with inflation during the time of his presidency. -
Proclamation 4311
Ford issues Proclamation 4311, pardoning Nixon of any crimes he may have committed while in the office of President. -
Helsinki Accords
Agrement between 35 nations to try and improve western relations with the Communist bloc -
Jimmy Carter Becomes President
Jimmy Carter becomes President on Jan 20, 1977. He has several successes in foreign policy including The Panamal Canal Treaties and SALT II. -
Camp David Accords
The Camp David Accrods were a series of agreements of peace between Egypt and Israel. They came about after 12 days of secret deliberation at Camp David. -
Iran Hostage Crisis
66 Americans were held hostage by Iranian students in the American embassy in Tehran. Negotiations between Iran and America released the hostages after 444 days. -
Ronal Reagan Becomes President
Under Reagan, the national debt increased from 712 billion to over 2 trillion dollars. Much was spent on defense and related programs including SDI. -
Boland Amendment
Two amendendments passed by congress that banned the US from attempting to overthrow grovernments in Latin America. -
SDI - Star Wars
The Strategic Defense Initiative was a program proposed by Ronald Reagan to design and impliment space based systems to protect the US from nuclear attack. -
Iran-Contra Affair
The US became involved in Latin American affairs. Developments in Latin America involving nations falling to communism eventualy led to the Iran-Contra Affair. The plan was to sell arms to Iran to raise funds for the Contras to overthrow hostile dictatorships in Latin America. -
Tear Down This Wall Speech
A speech given by Reagan urging Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall to increase freedom in the Communist Eastern Bloc -
INF Treaty Signed
A treaty between the US and and the USSR to eliminate intermediate range nukes and ICBMs in their arsenals. -
Election of 1988
The Presidential Election in which Gearge H.W. Bush was elected President.