Germany Divided
Allies split Germany into 4 zones ruled by the U.S., the UK, the USSR, and France. -
UN Created
United Nations was started as international orginization to prevent wars. -
Atomic Bomb Dropped
US dropped 2 atomic bomb jin Japan to begin nuclear age. -
Stalin Triggers Cold War
Stalin declared that communism and capitalism imcompatible. -
Iron Curtain
Winston Churchilll coined to the term "iron curtain" to describe the border of Western Europe and Eastern Europe. -
Truman Doctirine
Harry Truman made a policy to give financial and millitary aid to free nations threated by internal or extrernal opponets. -
Marshall Plan Announced
Secretary of State George Marshall annouces plan to give assistance to help European countries rebuild after WWII. -
Marshall Plan Approved
The $12.5 billion plan made by George Marshall is approved after Communist took over Czechoslovakia. -
Berlin Airlift
The Western Allies began dropping food in West Berlin to feed city since access to the city had been blocked by USSR. -
New Currency
The Western Allies begin cirrculating new currancy in thier zone of Germany. -
The US and the USSR begin using spies, propaganda, diplomacy, and secret operations to outmaneuver each other. -
USSR 1st Atomic Bomb
USSR test it's first atomic bomb. -
NATO Formed
The US and 10 Western European form NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Orginization, a defensive military alliance. -
USSR Surrenders
The Soviets lift blockade in Wesern Berlin. -
Hydrogen Bomb in US
The United States discovers Hydrogen Bomb. -
Hydrogen Bomb in USSR
The USSR discovers the Hydrogen Bomb. -
Western Germany in NATO
Western Germany was admitted into NATO, fearing USSR of Germany becoming an over powering country again. -
Warsaw Pact
USSR forms own alliance of East Germany and all of the other Eastern European countries. -
The Soviets develop Intercontiental Ballisitic Missle. -
Soviets in Space
Soviets use IBM to send first satalite to space. -
America In Space
The US launches first satalite in space -
Francis Power
US Spy Plane flown by Francis Power shot down over USSR and Powers spent 2 years in Soviet prison. -
Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall built to divide Communist East Berlin from Capitalist West Berlin.