Cold War Main Events

  • Hitler Invades the Soviet Union

    Hitler invades the Soviet union,
  • Yalta Conference

    Leaders of the USA, the USSR and Britain met in Yalta, in the USSR to discuss how to degeat Hitler & Japan, among other things
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Big Three (France, Britain and USA) met to decide German & Austrian borders, Treatement of Nazis .......
  • Breakdown of The Grand Alliance

    Alliance between Britain and USA broke down
  • 'Iron Curtain'

    'Iron Curtain'
    Boundary that seperated Warsaw Pact Countries from NATO countries until end of Cold War
  • Stalin sets up Communist information Bureau

    Does so to coordinate work of the Communist Parties of eastern Europe
  • Marshall Plan

    $17 billion would be put forward to reubuild Euroepe's Prosperity
  • West Germany Formed

    West Germany Formed
    USA, Britain & France combine their zones to form West Germany
  • NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

    Western Powers signed an agreement to defend each other
  • Warsaw Pact

    USSR and main Communist states in Europe formed Warsaw Pact, promised to defend each other, not to interfere with internal affairs
  • Cuban Missible Crisis

    US forces soviet Union to withdraw their missiles from the USSR