Mao zedohg
Born on December 26,1893 in shaoshan hunan province, china. He served as a chairman of the peoples republic of china 1949 to 1959 and led the Chinese communist party from 1935 until his death. In 1950, Mao tse tung launched the great leap forward attempted to increase agriculture and industrial production. In 1962 his rivals took control .In 1966 he made his return and launches the cultural revolution. To solidify his place in Chinese history, he met president Nixon to eased the tension. -
Rosenberg Trial
The atomic bomb was known as the Manhattan project. One of the scientists working in Los alamos was named Klaus fuchs. In 1950, Klaus fuchs was arrested which created a chain of investigation that led to Julius and Ethel rosenberg. The direct evidence of the Rosenberg's involvement was the confession of Greenglass. The community believed they were being prosecuted because of their communist party. Trial lasted nearly a month, they were sentenced to death row and were executed. -
Venona Papers
The Verona project began because carter Clarke did not trust Joseph Stalin. Colonial Clarke was the chief of the U.S. army's special branch, in 1943 officers heard a vague rumor of secret German - soviet peace negotiations. Clarke feared that a separate peace between Moscow and Berlin would allow Nazi Germany to concentrate it's war machine against the U.S. and great Britain. Clarke thought he had to find out either way about such negotiations. -
Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill condemns the soviet union policies in Europe and declares " from stettin in the Baltic to trieste in the adriactic in iron curtain has descended across the continent. His main argument of his speech was to have a closer "special relationship" between the U.S. and Britain. Russian leader Joseph Stalin denounced the speech because of racism. The british, Americans, and Russians allied against Hitler less than a year before the speech. -
Containment Policy
The containment policy was a U.S. policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad. A component of the cold war, this policy was a response to a series of roles by the soviet union to enlarge it's communist sphere. -
Truman Doctrine
President Truman asks the U.S. for assistance for Greece and turkey to forestall communist domination of the two nations known as the Truman doctrine. It outlined the broad parameters of U.S. cold war. The Truman doctrine successfully convinced that the U.S. was locked in a struggle with the soviet union and set out guidelines for 40 years. -
Marshall Plan
Europe was devastated by the years of conflict during WW2. The major power in the world that was not significantly damaged was the U.S. It was known as the European recovery program, it channeled over $13 billion to finance the economic struggle of Europe between 1948-1957. The plan was named for secretary of Geroge C. Marshall who announced it in a commencement speech. -
Korean War
It all started when North Korean tanks crossed the 38th parallel, the boundary between South Korea. The Korean War was the first confrontation between two nuclear powers. Once they got the promise support from the soviet union, they attacked. Truman admitted to actively using atomic bombs. The result was that every town was burned down but the border remains where it had been before the invasion. -
The Soviet Union created the worlds's first artififcal satellite. The International Geophysical Year thought it would be ideal to lauch sputnik to study the Earth and The Social System. However, Americans feared more sisnister uses of the Soviets' new rocket and satellite technology since it was far more advanced than the U.S. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
CIA financed and trained group of Cuban refugees lands in Cuba and attempts to topple the communist government of Fidel Castro. The attack was an utter failure. John Kennedy inherited this program . He wanted to solidify his power in Cuba. This plan immediately fell apart when unexpected rapid counters attacks from Castro's military occurred. JFK tried to redeem themselves by taking the blame for the attack and subsequent failure.