
Cold war

By m28760
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Stalin was the "General secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union".He lead Russia with a socialist hand and a focus on economic growth.Stalin was successful at improving Russia's economy but his greatness began to wear off when he started having labor camps and executing people at a massive scale.He ruled from April of 1922 to October of 1952.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    A meeting with the heads of the biggest governments including Franklin D Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, And Joseph Stalin. The meeting consisted of talks about reorganization of post war Europe
  • Harry s Truman

    Harry s Truman
    Harry S Truman was the 33rd president of the United states.He was a democrat and served in the last months of WW1. He was very involved in conflicts around the world like when he approved the use of atomic weapons which was used at Hiroshima and he wanted to contain communism.He was born on April 12 1945 and died January 20th 953
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    American Foreign policy that was made to hold back communism and the Soviet union. First announced on July 12 1948 by Truman when he pledged to contain soviet threats against Greece and Turkey
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    An american initiative to help post war western Europe where The U.S gave 130 billion dollars(in today's currency).The plan was for 4 years and the plan consisted of removing trade barriers, promoting of industry but to also prevent communism
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a formation of North Atlantic Nations and some of their military.The nations had a Collective defense where an attack on one member is an attack to all of Nato. It was used as another way to hold back the soviet union and posed another enemy to the soviet union
  • Mao Zedong

    Mao Zedong
    Mao Zedong was the 1st chairman of the central committee of the communist party of china from June 1945 to September 1976.He had a Marxist Leninist ideology that then was called Maoism.He was the founder of the people republic of China and the Red army.Mao solidified his control using land control.He lead The great leap forward which was a call to quickly transform china's economy.
  • Peoples Republic of China

    Peoples Republic of China
    The peoples republic of china was established by Mao Zedong and has grown to be the most populated Nation in all of human history
  • North and south korean map

    North and south korean map
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    War between south and north Korea over political differences.North Korea was communist because of Soviet Unions involvement in pushing japan out of china and south Korea was a capitalist democracy because of The U.S's involvement in south Korea.Both sides had constant battles and The us military fought with south Korea to defeat the North Koreans that had weapons from the soviet uniom
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Alliance of Eastern European nations including Czechoslovakia,East Germany,Poland,Romania,and the soviet union.The nations in the Warsaw pact were mostly satellite nations from the Soviet union hence why they were communist
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    War in Vietnam that lasted 20 years with the involvement of the us military to prevent the spread of communism to Vietnam.The viet kong were the communist fighting against the Us and were also supported by the soviet union. the war Caused lots of casualties and really showed how determined the U.S was to try to stop communism
  • Hungarian Revvolution

    Hungarian Revvolution
    Revolt all across the nation of Hungary opposed to the soviet unions involvement with the Hungarian government.The revolt was also one of first major threats to the soviet union
  • Sputnik

    First man made satellite to make it into space.Sputnik was launched by the USSR during the space race between The soviet union and The U.S and it was sent to try to show that Russia was on top.With the launch of sputnik both nations kept trying to keep advancing in space technology and eventually Humans made it to the moon
  • Berlin wall

    Berlin wall
    Wall made by east Germany to split west and east Germany. The Berlin wall signified the separation of the same people by different types of political philosophy.West Germans were capitalist while east Germans were Communist and both sides were under control by the U.S and the soviet union
  • map of separation of Germany

    map of separation of Germany
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    Tension between the U.S Russia and Cuba because of a deal that Russia and Cuba made involving the transport of nuclear missiles from Russia to Cuba. The U.S. counter acted the missile transports by creating a blockade to prevent cuba from getting any missiles at all
  • Prague Spring

    Prague Spring
    Political liberalization from The soviet union when the soviet union controlled Czechoslovakia after WW2. More freedom and rights were demanded from the soviet union since it controlled the Czechoslovakian government but the soviet union denied rights to the Czechoslovakian people
  • Nuclear arsenal

    Nuclear arsenal
  • SALT

  • SALT Treaty

    SALT Treaty
    A treaty on both sides of the cold war where The U.S And the Soviet Union both Agreed to limit the production of nuclear missiles and the missiles they had at the time.
  • Khmer Rouge take control in Cambodia

    Khmer Rouge take control in Cambodia
    The Khmer rouge takes control of Cambodia leading to communist Cambodia
  • Nuclear missile

    Nuclear missile
    The nuclear missile was one of the most important and notorious invention of mankind. the nuclear missile dwarfs any other missile in existence and is the one thing that can wipe out all of humanity with a couple of blows.If it weren't for the invention of nukes some nations could not defend themselves and there would have been more wars.
  • Boycott of 1980 olympics

    Boycott of 1980 olympics
    When The U.S said they would boycott the Moscow Olympics if soviet troops did not withdraw from Afghanistan.
  • Illustration

    The image shows the Berlin walls art being censored by the Soviet union
  • illustration

    This illustration shows the non real battle between both nations since there was no real big war in the cold war
  • illustration

    this image shows both nations fighting small battles because of the fact that they dont want to go all out with the nuclear missiles because the other nation can send missiles back.
  • duck and cover song
    the song duck and cover showed how prepared everyone wanted to be because everyone thought that both nations would be going into war bombing each other.the precaution duck and cover was taught in schools to kids because a threat of a nuclear attack was realistic so this song showed how the people were ready for all hell
  • U.S Propaganda

    U.S Propaganda
  • Soviet Union Propaganda

    Soviet Union Propaganda