Kennedy wall

COLD WAR events

By aohis
  • Yalta conference pt 1

    Yalta conference pt 1
    The Yalta Conference was the conference that took place in the closing months of world war 2 where Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, all addressed the issue of what would happen with the post war world.
  • Yalta conference pt 2

    Yalta conference pt 2
    Discussing economic aid to Russia, what would happen to Germany, the establishment of the United Nations, the soviets to join in the war against Japan, acknowledgement of a soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe and the most controversial being what was to happen to Poland. this week played in site into the aims for each nation and hinted at the Cold War to come.
  • NATO

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a treaty signed by Western countries originally to collaborate against the threat of communism, involvement of the worlds largest non communist countries has to recognized as grand happening of the Cold War. NATO still exists though their goal may have shifted
  • China Becomes Communist

    China Becomes Communist
    The communist take over of China was a turning point for both communism and the cold war. such a large nation becoming communist has to be a highlighted event, effecting the lives of hundreds of millions of people.
  • Korean War pt 1

    Korean War pt 1
    This war was the result of differences between the People of North Korea and South Korea and the magnification of which Soviet Russia, Communist China and the US can be held responsible. North Korea being advised by Stalin, invaded the South.
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall

    Construction of the Berlin Wall
    This wall was built by the German Democratic Republic, a buffer between the communist world and the free world. To prevent East Berliners from fleeing into Capitalist West Berlin. this Wall effected the lives of thousands preventing them from a better life,
    and on the East German side resulted in the deaths of around 100 people attempting to flee over the wall
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    This was one of the central manifestations of the cold ware and posed a very real threat to not only both nations but the entire globe. the presence of such catastrophic weapons and the race to create more tonnage of them, is most defiantly a key affair in the Cold War . the date listed is the date on which the Americans tested the first Hydrogen Bomb. This Prolonged period can be said to have gone from the commencement of the Manhattan project in 1939 and Détente in 1963
  • Korean War pt 2

    Korean War pt 2
    America then began to intervene defending the south against a communist controlled Northern threat. It began a violent conflict killing five million. that was essentially a violent portrayal of the Cold Wars incentive, a fight between Communism and The Free world.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis pt 1

    Cuban Missile Crisis pt 1
    This was arguably the largest event to happen in the Cold War. Prime Minister of Cuba, Fidel Castro had requested aid from his communist ally Soviet Russia after he became anxious of the threat of a US invasion. Soviet Leader Khrushchev decided to build nuclear launch sites capable of destroying the United States, a move which offered protection for Cuba and an upper hand in the Arms race for Russia.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis pt 2

    Cuban Missile Crisis pt 2
    However, Americas reaction was to quarantine Cuba preventing the Russians from completing the operation. The month of October that year is now said to be the most dangerous in human history, even though no missile was ever launched the likely hood of nuclear Armageddon was set at a new height