HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee
Was created to investigate alledged disloyalty and subversive activites believed to have Communist ties. Causes: The Cold War, preseving democracy in the minds of the American people. Effects: Helped keep Communism out of the important ideals of democracy, was like a "filter." -
Yalta Conference
Was intended for the discussion between world leaders to discuss Europe's post-war (WWII) reorganization. Causes: Many areas had been completey decimated by battle, as well as the countries tht were under NAzi jurisdiction. Effects: The rise of Europe again, healing relations between all opposing powers. -
George Kennan's "Long Telegram"
The "Long Telegram" outlined Kennan's opinions and views of the Soviets. In some of its most significant information was that while Soviet power was ignorant to the logic of reason, it was sensitive to the logic of force. Cause: After Rossevelt's death, who was in tight relations to the Russians, did Kennan officially telegram his "Long Telegram." Effects: Helped America rethink its strategy on its involvement with the Russians, and helped shape the American relations with the Soveiets. -
Winston Chruchill's Iron Curtain
Chruchhill's speech was addressed to desribing the massive boundary diviing Europe. Specifically regarding the supporters of Russia in the beginngin of the Cold War, and the opposing forces of them.He also desribes in his speech, that Eastern European capitals are subject to the orders of Moscow, and Russia in general. Causes: He ws invited to Westminister College in Missouri. Effects: He had hoped in achieving closer relations to the United States. Between Great Britain, and U.S. -
Truman Doctrine
The Truan Doctrine was a foreign policy that sought to counter Soviet geopolitical hegemony. It promised assistance, politcial milittial, economical to all democratic countries being threatened or harmed by the Soviet Union. Causes: When Britain announced it would not provide any ore assistqnce to the Greek government. Effects: Helped cover countries other countries would not help, i.e Brtain and Greece. -
Second Red Scare "McCarthyism"
Was in the opening years of the Cold War. Communism had managed to take affect in American politics, culture, and aspects of society. McCarthy was an individual promoting Communism after WWI, but still remained as a term fr the spread of communism in the U.S. Causes: The Soviet Union wanting to undermine the U.S. at teh beginning of the Cold War, communism is a weapon, tryingto engag civil unrest at a time of war. Effect: Mass panic among hte U.S. , there was civil unrest. -
Marshall Plan
Was a plan intended to help Western Europe rebuild after the strenuous effort of partaking in WWII. Helped drop trade barriers, to continue indutry work, and help prevent the spread of communism in the future. Cause: After WWII, Western Europe was in rough shape, the peception of the "powerful" U.S. to step in and assist, through giving money to Western Europe. Effect: Helped rebuild Europe into a functuoning continent with relations between countries healing through trade, and interaction. -
Berlin Blokade
Was the time when the Soviet Union blocked the Wetern allies railways, roads, and canals leading to the sectors Berline under Western control. Blocked communication, resources ,etc. Causes: The Cold War, the Soviet Union hoping to affect the hopes of people taking side with Western powers, and to stratgically take away Berlin, a point, away from Western powers. Effects: Prompted the Berlin Airlift. etc. -
Berlin Airlift
Was a response to the Berlin Blockade, the Western powers organized their planes, and flew over supplies: food, water, resources to the Western involved parts of Berlin. Causes: The Berlin Blockade Effects: Provided hope for the oppressed German, people, who were caught quite literally in the middle of a war. -
NATO Established
Is an intergovernmental military alliance. Was crucial in their stability for countries allianced under the name. Rejected the Soviet Union, created essentially sides, with the Warsaw Pact.
Causes:The Cold War, transatlntic unity through military. Created a defense against the USSR Effects: Created distinguished sides of the Cold War, between NATO, anf the USSR and its supporters, the Warsaw Pact, etc. -
Communist (Communism) Takeover in China
Also called the Chinese Communist REvloution, the Chinese Communist Party drove its way to the forefront of Chinese politics. Eventually took over, and Mao Zedong became the "Chairman" of the Communist Party of China, and was the father of the People's Republic of China. Causes: The Communist Revolution in China Effects: China officially became communist oriented. Values imperialistic ideals -
Was a 58 page top secret policy paper. It outlined an increase in the military budget, the development of a hydrogen bomb, and increased military assistance to allies. Causes: Issued in response to the Cold War Effects: Truman spent more money on the defense sector. -
Korean War (beginning and end) period: June 25, 1950-July 27, 1953
Was a war between North and South Korea, North aided by China and the Soviiet Union, while South was aided by the U.S. Causes: Divisions in Korea after WWII leading up to the Cold War
Effects: No side ever actually, won, a treaty was signed to have the two sides of Korea seperated, are still technically at war. -
Election of Eisenhower
Eisenhower won with a landslide. Elected into office during a high level of tensions between the U.S. and the Soviets. Also was a fear of communism spreading in the U.S. Causes: The country needed a new President Effect: Kept pressure on the Soviet Union. -
Rise of Fidel Castro in Cuba
Came to power in Cuba. Made enemies with the States, nationalized all American owned businesses. Became a major dependent on the Sovet Union, was a Marxist and Leninist. Causes:His personal background? Wanted to lead. Effects: Many attempts to overthrowchi occurred, the Bay of Pigs, etc. -
French Defeat at Dien Bien Phu
The Viet Minh victory ended French colonial influence in Indochina. Was a big marking stone for their independence. Causes: Viet Minh fed up with French presence in their region. Effects: French colonia presence entirely froced out. -
Warsaw Pact
Was a pact between the Soviet Union, and other supporter, or satellite countries within Europe sided with the Soviets. Causes: In response to NATO. Effect: Created a unified group against hte NATO faction, defined sides in the Cold War. -
Hungarian Uprising
Was a massive revolt against Soviet forces in Hungary. Was a big threat to the Soviet Union, eventually, Soviet forces suppressed all forms of resistance. Causes: The people of Hungary were opposed to the Sovets forceful following of communist policies, et. Effects: Made the Soviets actually engage in combat against the people of Hungary. Many civilians died. -
Suez Crisis
Was an invasion to gain control of the Suez Canal, and to throw Gamal Abder Nesser out of power, was invaded by Israel, the United Kingdom, and France. The United States, United Nationss, and Sovet Union forced the countries out. Causes: Gain strategical control over the Suez Canal, an opening into Western Europe. Effects: Humiliated the invading countries, and strengthened Nesser. -
Eisenhower Doctrine
Under the Eisenhower Doctine, a Middle Eastern country could request economic aid or military assistane if threatened by an armed aggression, specifically the USSR. Causes: Issued in response to hte worry of a war in the middke east, over the Suez Crisis, or similar events. Effects: Helped prevent a generalized war in the middle east. -
Was the first artificial Earth satellite. Triggered the Space Race, especially since the satelite was successful in sending and receiving radio pulses from its antannae. Causes: To show dominance over the opposers of the Soviet Union, the U.S. Effects; Helped trigger the space race, launched developments in science, technology, etc. -
Kitchen Debate
Was a debate in an applicable house. Essentially a debate over the meaning of communism v. capitalism. U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev were the primary debatees. Cause: The cold war, to show the civilization between countries at war. Effects: Showed U.S. citizens the negatives of communism, and how Nixon was able to stage a "peaceful' debate during wartime -
U-2 Incident
Am American spyplane was flying over Soviet airspace, and was shot down. The pilot Gary Powers was publicly shamed in the Soviet Union. Causes: Countries spy on each other frequently during times of war. Effects: Shows the awareness of the Soviet Union. Made the U.S. experience some public "shame." -
Elecion of Kennedy
Kennedy was a new face with new ideas. Many people liked this, my grandma included. Notable election, because he was born in the 20th century. Causes: The country needed a new president. Effects: Kennedy became known as bringing new traits to the society of America. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Was when a group of Cuban refugees, financed by the CIA were sent into Cuba t overthrow Fidel Castro. Essentially an assasination attempt. Cause: Cuba's disrespect to the U.S. Castro also nationalized all American owned businesses in Cuba when he came to power. Effect: Gained the hate, and disposition of the United States, hence the assaniation attempt. -
Military Advisors sent to Vietnam
Was to help train Vietnamese forces, so they could protect themselves, so the United States would not have to spend as much money, or people any more. Cause: The U.S. began to adopt the policy of giving less help to "minor" allies. Effects: Put the power of the fight into the hands of the Vietnamese, et. -
Berlin Crisis
The USSR gave an ultimatum to Western forces, get out of West Berlin. The final European incident of the Cold War. Cause: Soviet Union losing more buffer zone. Effects: The ultimatum shows how desperate, in a way, the Soviet Union is for more communist oriented territory. -
Berlin Wall Costructed
Was to seperate the Western influenced side of Berlin, from the Eastern commumist side. Provided a major social bounday for the German people. Cause: Communists did not want Eastern Berlin to be influenced by the West. Effects: Cost the seperation of a people, families, for a decade, and a bit longer..... -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Was a standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union, regarding ballistic missile deployment in Cuba by the Sovet Union, lasted 13 days. Causes: The United States were afraid of the Soviet Union launching missiles onto it from Cuba. Effects: Showed the power of both sides, and hte capability of going into nuclear war, if necessary. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
It authorized Preisdent Johnson to take any measures he believed were necessary to strike and promote the maintenance of international peace in Southeast Asia. Causes: Was in response of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Effect: Helped maintain order in Southeast Asia. -
Prague Spring
Was a period of political liberalization from the Soviet Union. Until the reforms were halted by hte Soviet Union, and the Warsaw Pact. Cause: Western influence Effect: Communism shut out all other form of social structure. -
My Lai Massacre
American soldiers killed a vast majority of Vietnamese in the Southern hamlet of My Lai. Estimated 500 were killed. Cause: Demonstrte the power of the United States. Effect: Loss of civilian lives..... -
Tet Offensive
Was a series of surprie attacks against acicilian and command centers throughout South Vietnam. Causes: The Vietnam War. Effects: U.S. sought negotiations to end the war, very surprising indeed. -
Election of Nixon
Nixon ran on "restoring" order and law to cities, and better to fight in the Vietnam War. Causes: The country "needed" a new president. Effects: "Ended" the Vietnam War. -
A time of relaxed meetings between two opposing sides. This case, the Helsinki Accrods, between Russia, and the United States. Cause: The war needed to come to an end. Effect: Mutully beneifical doctrines came out of the mettings. -
Vietnamization/Nixon Doctrine
Argued for the th pusuitof peace through an alliance with American allies. To equip the South Viatnemese to defend and fight for themselves. Causes: Wanting to end the Vietnam War, America wthdrawl. Effects: America withdrew from "lesser" allies, due to financial concerns. -
Were discusssion between the Sovet Union and the United States regarding arnament control. Cause: The Cold War, mutually beneficial talks of weapons, so all are satisfie, to a degree. Effects: Helped reduce the number of weapons available fro use, and made mutually assured and understood weapons liabilitys. -
Helsinki Accords/Meeting
Was essentially an agreement to improve relations between the "West" and the Communist bloc. Causes: Communism kind of pushed into a corner. Effects: Hopfully better relations with Communist supporting countries, whih overall has worked, to a point of no conflict. -
Election of Roanld Reagan
Was responsible many say for endin the Cold War. Worked against the Soviet Union, made it widely known he was fighting in the Cold War. Causes: To end the cold war, Effect: The cold war ended -
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)
Was a proposed missile defense system that would be stationed in the Earth's orbit. Could cause massive warfare not seen before. A soewhat out rageous idea. Causes: Reagan thought it could provide an end to MAD Effects: Other countries would adopt the same method, i,e, the Sovet Union, MAD all over again. -
Gorbachev comes to power in Russia (glasnost and perestroika)
Gorbachev took a more active stance in Russia. He made the presidency not just a name anymore, but a position of true power. He started a reform movement within the Soviet Union. Causes: Looking to strengthen the Soviet Union so it would not collapse, the drive for eternity.... Effects: His drastic reform ended up going the other way, the reform loosened the government's grip on the people of the Sovet Union, giving them more freedom, then the Union collapsed. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The destruction of the wall dividing Berlin was very symbolic. It symbolized the two Berlin peoples coming back together. THe unity of a people. Also showed resilience to the Soviet Union. Causes: It had been restricting the peoples of Berlin from uniting for a decade and a bit. Effects: Reunited a people, and symbolized the strength of the German people, stomping the Soviets in their wake.