Berlin Blockade
The Berlin blockade occured on June 24th 1948, and ended may 12th 1949. This was an international crisis, that arose from an attempt by the Soviet Union, to force the Western Allied powers to abandon their past-WWII jurisdictions in west Berlin. The Soviet occupation forces in eastern Germany began a blockade of all rail, road, and water travel between Berlin and the West. I rank this number 3. -
The Korean War
The korean war took place on June 25th 1950 and ended July 27th 1953. The Korean war was a conflict between the DRK and the RK in which 2.5 million lives were taken. The U.S. joined the side of the south Koreans, and the republic of China came to aid North Korea. I rank this number 2. -
The Space Race
Space exploration served as another dramatic arena for cold war competition. Soviet R-7 intercontinental, ballistic missile launched sputnik, the worlds first artificial satellite. The U.S. didn't like this because they did not want to lose ground to the USSR. I rank this event an 11. -
The Vietnam War
Vietnam War started on November 1st 1955, and ended on April 30th 1975. This was a conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam. The war was a part of a manifestation of the Cold War between the US and the USSR. South Vietnam wanted the entire country to be a communist government. The U.S. launched 500,000 troops. I rank this number 1. -
The Suez Canal Crisis
The Suez Canal Crisis started on October 29th 1956 and ended on November 7th 1956. The Suez Canal Crisis was an international crisis in the middle east, when the egyptian president, gamal Abdel Nasser, Nationalized the sue can. The canal was owned by the Suez Canal Company, which was controlled by the French . Americans provoked the suez canal crisis and war broke out. I rank this number 4 -
The U-2 Incident
The U-2 incident was a confrontation that began with the shooting down of a U.S. U-2 reconnaissance plane over USSR territory, and it caused the collapse of a summit conference in Paris between the U.S., USSR, UK, and France. I rank this event number 7 -
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a major confrontation that brought the U.S. and the USSR is close to war over the presence of USSR nuclear-armed missiles in cuba. I rank this event an 8. -
The Yom Kippur War
The Yom Kippur War started on OCtober 6th 1973, and ended in November of 1973. This was the fourth war of Arab Israeli, which was initiate by Egypt and Syria on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur. Egypt and Syria crossed the Suez Canal in two different fronts, and were successful only losing a fraction of men they planned to. I rank this number 5. -
The Soviet War in Afghanistan
The Soviet War in Afghanistan started in December of 1979 and ended in February of 1989. This war was the invasion of Afghanistan by troops of the Soviet Union. Lots of tension built up and international fighting had begun. The Soviet Union invaded on December 24th 1979 sending 300,000 troops after Hafizullah Amin. I rank this number 6. -
The Soviets Downing Korean Air Lines Flight 007
The Soviets Downing Korean Air Lines Flight 007 happened on september 1st 1983 The Jet was shot down by The USSR's air to air missiles, killing all 269 aboard. It was headed to Anchorage Alaska, when it went off route by 200 miles, and entered Soviet Air Space. The Soviets claimed it was a gathering mission ran by the U.S. I rank this number 10. -
The "Able Archer" Military Exercise
NATO conducted the Able Archer 831a war game that realistically modeled a nuclear attack on the USSR. At a moment of high cold war tensions following the downing of Korean Air lines flight 007. This exercise raised the risk of an accidental nuclear war.