COLD WAR: Enquiry 4 Confrontation and Cooperation 1963-1972

  • Period: to

    Sino-Soviet Split

    1959 - USSR support Tibet's rebellion
    1960 - Soviet experts + atomic bomb prototype removed from China
    1962 - USSR support India in border dispute with China
    1962 - USSR do not inform CH of missiles on Cuba CH - criticised Khrushchev for being unwilling to use nuclear weapons + removing nuclear missiles in Cuba
  • Moscow-Washington Hotline

    Direct line of Communication established post CMC
  • Limited Test Ban Treaty

    Signed August 5th, in effect October 10th -- signed by USA, GB, USSR
    Banned Nuclear Testing in the atmosphere, outer space and underwater (not underground as too hard to detect)
  • NSC Net Evaluation Committee Report

    MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction - High Cost for USSR + desire for peaceful coexistence
    Conciliation with USSR for USA
    Asymmetrical Disarmament + Security Dilemma = hinders disarmament Gen. Leon Johnson's Report - estimated fatalities at 93M for US and 140M for USSR
  • JFK Assassinated + LBJ becomes President

  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

  • First Chinese Nuclear Bomb

    Project 596 - conducted at Lop Nur test site
  • Malinovsky Incident

    Malinovsky suggests Chinese should get rid of Mao
  • Period: to

    Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation to bomb NV to impact economy, yet this was not effective as industry was in places where USSR and China frequently resupplied NV with weaponry
    643k tonnes of bombs dropped on NV - 700k tonnes dropped on SV
  • Troops sent to Vietnam by USA

    By July 1965 - 75k sent to Vietnam
  • Outer Space Treaty

    US,UK,USSR signed - Established grounds for space exploration and actions in outer space
  • USSR Military forces in Mongolia and E. Kazakhstan

  • March on the Pentagon

    Increasing domestic anti-Vietnam war sentiments lead to a march including 100k attendees
  • Period: to

    Prague Spring

    Dubcek replaced Novotny in Jan 68 to manage limited reform and stabilise Czechoslovakia
    April 1968 - Action Programme outlining Czechoslovak way to Socialism - freedoms of speech, press, movement, focus on consumers goods, freedom of enterprise, increased autonomy for Slovaks, recognition of unions Warsaw Letter - 5 WP states warned CZS challenges to socialist movement would not be tolerated
    50k WP troops invaded Czechoslovakia 20-21 August 1969 - Dubcek arrested and replaced by Gustav Husak
  • Tet Offensive

    100s simultaneous Vietcong attacks launched in South Vietnam
  • My Lai Massacre

    US troops - kill over 350 villagers
    Lt William Calley - charged with murder after events come to light
    increased discontent with US in Vietnam involvement
  • Non-Proliferation Treaty

    Effective 5th March 1970 - 3 Pillars : Non-proliferation, disarmament, peaceful use of nuclear energy
  • Brezhnev Doctrine

    Freedom to determine own version of Communist but WP has right to intervene if integrity of socialism is damaged
  • Nixon becomes President

    Republican Party Rep - wanted "peace with honour" in Vietnam - ensuring SV remained independent and non-communist
    Vietnamisation - bombing of NV and more funding of SV forces such as updated M-16 rifle.
    ARVN increased in size from 82k in 1968 to 1 million in 1970
  • Zhenbao Island Ambush

  • Period: to

    Operation Menu (invasion of Cambodia)

    USA hoped to pressurise NV into accepting peace in this way. 1970 - USA commit 20k ground troops to Cambodia after Khmer Rouge began gaining support
  • Operation Lam Son 719

    USA provided air support to ARVN invasion of Laos. USA banned US Congress from sending ground troops since Cambodian incursion.
    Only 30k ARVN attacked and quickly withdrew - North gaining upper hand
  • Seabed Treaty

    Banned placement of nuclear weapons on the ocean floor beyond a 12-mile (22.2 km) coastal zone.
  • Kissinger visits Beijing

    X July - Visits Beijing in discussion of Sino-American relations
  • Kissinger visits Beijing again

    Kissinger visits again X October 1071 to prepare for Nixon's visit to PRC
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    Spring Offensive

    North Vietnamese Offensive - 8000 ARVN casualties (5 times fewer than NV)
  • Period: to

    150,000 tons of bombs dropped on North Vietnam

  • SALT I and ABM Treaty

    ABM - limitation of anti-ballistic missile weaponry
    Limited number of ICBMs, SLBMs and ABMs BUT no limits on MIRVs and new weapons