COLD WAR:Enquiry 2: Widening of the Cold War 1949-1955

  • House of Un-American Activities Committee

    Founded in 1938 but made permanent in government in 1945. Made to investigate communist infiltration into US society – many brought in front of the committee were innocent but served as “sacrificial victims” to fuel public paranoia – targeted the film industry in particular
  • Republic of Korea Established

    Established by USA led by Syngman Rhee
  • Establishment of Democratic People's Republic of Korea

    Establishment of Democratic People's Republic of Korea by the USSR led by Kim Il Sung – chairman of North Korean Provisional People’s Committee –provisional communist government – groomed by USSR into becoming potential leader of Korea
  • Comecon Established

  • Pre-Korean War : Kim Il Sung turns to Stalin for support

    Stalin was already aware of 7500 US troops in South Korea so rejects the pleas for military aid but reiterates his support – suggests strengthening guerrilla forces in the South as a means of undermining the government internally
  • CCP announce allegiance to USSR

  • China White Paper

    Dean G. Acheson (Secretary of State) - support for nationalists w/out seeming like “imperialist menace” to China –a withdrawal from direct military action
  • USSR successfully detonates first atomic bomb

    first USSR atomic bomb (dubbed Joe-1 in the West) tested – loss of USA’s atomic monopoly
  • People's Republic of China created

    Chinese Civil War 1945-1949 – Jiang Jieshi (KMT) vs Mao Zedong (CCP) – resulted in a victory for CCP Dec 1949
  • McCarthyism begins / Second Red Scare

    Founded by Joseph McCarthy – republican senator for Wisconsin – exploited anti-communist anxieties – targeted: the State Department; the film industry; the Democratic Party; universities.
  • Second Alger Hiss Trial

    Alger Hiss – prominent member of the Roosevelt pre-war administration – 1948 accused by Whittaker Chambers – a hypocritical communist journalist – of being a member of the Communist Party – convicted of perjury, but still publicly supported by Acheson – heightened belief that US leaders were tainted with communism
  • Defensive Perimeter Strategy

    Military defence of Japan was responsibility of the USA Defensive military lines based in Okinawa, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand.
  • Pre-Korean War : Stalin's position shifts

    the PRC is established and USA exclude South Korean from Acheson’s DPS – due to this Stalin agrees to give North Korea 1600 pieces of artillery, 178 military aircraft, 258 T-34 tanks – however Stalin is still not committed to sending troops to participate in a war
  • Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance

  • NSC 68

    National Security Council Resolution 68 – issued in April 1950, approved in September - stressed urgency of building political, economic and military power
    -globalisation of Cold War and emphasis on application of containment
  • Korean War begins as North Korea invades South Korea

  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Rhee - anti-communist - wanted to unite Korea as sovereign country
    Kim - pressurised both USSR and China to support attack on S. Korea - would undermine support of Mao when speaking to USSR and vice versa
    War consisted of 4 phases:

    1. June-September 1950 (offensive)

    2. September – November 1950 (counter-offensive/offensive)

    3. December 1950 – June 1951 ( stabilization and negotiation)

    4. June 1951 – July 1953 (stalemate and peace)
  • Korean War : 7th Fleet

    China roped into the Korean War once Truman orders the 7th fleet to defend Taiwan – positioned between China and Taiwan – 27th June 1950 – same day, Truman announces naval and air support for South Korea
  • ANZUS Pact Signed

    The ANZUS Pact was a security treaty between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Its main purpose was to deter aggression in the Pacific region during the Cold War.
    Key points:
    Non-binding: Not a formal military alliance, but a commitment to consult and "act to meet the common danger" if any member faced an armed attack.
    Formed during a tense period: Reflected concerns about the rise of communism in Asia and the potential resurgence of Japan after World War II.
  • US-Japan Security Treaty

    bilateral security agreement –USA gains: unrestricted military base usage in Japan; administrative control of Okinawa; right to use military force against internal disorder in Japan; right to veto Japan offering military bases to other states
    General MacArthur ordered establishment of 75000 person National Police Reserve (NPR) - trained by military advisory team
  • San Francisco Peace Treaty

    Recognised full sovereignty of Japan; forced Japan to renounce claims on neighbouring islands (mainly Korea, Taiwan/Formosa)
    USSR and PRC refuse to sign treaty
  • Bonn-Paris Convention Treaty

    General Treaty signed in Bonn – abolished statute of occupation and recognised sovereignty of the FRG – to please the French, Adenauer renounces nuclear weapons, keeping German Army limited in size and under strict control
  • NSA established

    Japanese government establish force of 11000 ground troops and 7600 maritime personnel – National Safety Agency (NSA)
  • Stalin Dies

    Replaced immediately by Georgy Malenkov
  • Korean War ends in armistice in Panmunjom

    Armistice agreed upon in Panmunjom – 27th July 1953 Rhee obstructed negotiations – desire for stronger ties between USA and South Korea – greater dependency on South Korea as agent of US containment in Asia Panmunjom Armistice Agreement: military demarcation line with demilitarized zone of 2km on each side; all military forces withdrawn Return to status quo
  • NSC 162/2

    NSC 162/2 - most effective way to deter aggression was to forcefully display determination of using nuclear weapons and the demonstration of the nuclear superiority of the USA More focused on rollback instead of containment, phrase coined by John Foster Dulles Reached the conclusion that peaceful means had to be used to achieve containment and potential rollback of communism
  • McCarthy Hearings Begin

    McCarthy claims that communism had infiltrated the US Army – army counsel Joseph N . Welch defeated McCarthy in a legal battle - “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” - December 1954, US Senate votes in favour of McCarthy being guilty of bringing the body into disrepute
  • Period: to

    Geneva Conference

  • French defeated at Dien Bien Phu

    Protracted Battle: The battle lasted for 54 days, with heavy casualties on both sides.
    French Surrender: With dwindling supplies and ammunition, the French forces surrendered on May 7, 1954.
    Impact on the War: The defeat at Dien Bien Phu shattered French morale and signaled that France could not militarily win the war. This led to the Geneva Conference of 1954, which divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel, effectively ending French colonial rule in Indochina.
  • SEATO created

    Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty signed in Manila – prioritised the defence of Southeast Asia, though membership was sparse and mostly included countries outside of its targeted region

    Close Sino-Soviet relations throughout the 50s caused concern for the USA

    Members included: Thailand, Pakistan, the Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, France, the USA, Great Britain

    States which may have needed SEATO protection were not included such as Burma, South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
  • CENTO/METO created

    Founded as METO/ Baghdad Pact Organisation with UK, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and had its headquarters in Baghdad Countered the threat of Soviet expansion into the Middle East oil-producing regions Did not provide military support when required
  • West Germany joins NATO

  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact established in retaliation to FRG joining NATO Member countries include: Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, East Germany, Poland, Albania (leaves in 1968) and the USSR Served as a military reinforcement of the USSR’s satellite structure and consolidated political and economic relationship between the USSR and the satellites.
  • Geneva Summit

    German reunification: USSR: a neutral and unified Germany
    West : a reunified and democratic Germany within NATO. Neither side budged
    European security:
    Disarmament: Outcome:
    No major breakthroughs:
    The first time since World War II that leaders from both sides had engaged in direct talks. It opened the door for future dialogue and paved the way for meetings and future agreements.
    Potential shift away from Cold War hostility and towards increased communication and cooperation.