Cold war

By Sean_
  • Soviet Creation of Nuclier bombs

    the soviets started experimenting with nucleur weapons in 1943 and they released the first one in 1991 the soviets have tested 969 devices between 1949 and 1990. this was good for cold war becuase they could use brinksman ship to scare people away. this was good for liberkaism becuase it made soviets and russias apear to be stronger
  • yalta conference

    this was a conference between three allies in world war 2, they met in 1945 in the city of Yalta this lasted about 7 days. they were discussing whatvwould happen after the war for germany and europe . they had come up with the conclusion that after the war they would spliit germany into 4 zones. this affected liberalism negatively because that would mean they are taking rights and land from the germans
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    Potsdam Conference

    this created the formation a council of foriegn inisters that acted for the united states, great britian, the soviet union and china to create peace treatys with germans former allies. This event was held in Potsdem Germany. this effected the cold war becase it was making the allied groups bigger. this had a hugev impacts on liberlism becuase people were froming with other nations to defeat germany in this war
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    Atomic bombing of nagasaki and hiroshima

    the US dropped to atomic bombs over top of Hiroshima and Nagaski, killing between 129000 and 226000. this was huge for the war becase this assentioly made japan surrendor. this was bad for liberlism becuase usa was getting tryed for war crimes and japan had a huge loss of life
  • Molotov Plan

    THis was created by the soviets in 1947 to provide aid and help rebuil countries in eastern uerope that were pollitcaly and econimicly involved witht the soviet union, orginaly called the brother plan. this effected the war becuase ot was givigng some countrys a boost in gettign back on there feet. this was good for liberlism beucase it was creating stronger allies for the soviets
  • Start of the cold war

  • truman doctrine

    this was announced by presidnet Truman on march 12th and further develped in july and this was saying that the comunists in greece and turkey would be protected by the united states along with anyone sought to be threated by the soviet comunism. this affected the cold war grealty becuase america was getting invilved to peacekeep and prtoect the minority countrys, this affected liberalism becuase peopel were fighting and dying for other countrys.
  • Treaty of Brussels

    Treaty of bressels also known as the Brussels Pact, the was the founding treaty of the western union between 1948 and 1954 this served as the founding treat until it was abolished in 2010.THis was an Agreement signed by Britian Frnace Belgium, Ntherlands and Luxembourg This treaty created a collective defense aklliance,this was created to prove the western European states could cooperate and encouraged the united states to play a role in the securt westentr europe
  • Marshall Plan

    The marhsell plan was soemthing the americans passed to give foreing aid in western europe, this was worht over $13 billion to help revcover the econemy. this became effective April 3rd, 1948. this effected cold war becuase the foreign countrys were high and dry and they needed lots of finacnial help. this effected liberlism becuase the united states was being independed and offered up loads of money to give to the west.
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    Berlin Blockade

    This was the first internatioln crisi during the cold war. during world war ii the soviet union blocked the westenr allies, railways, road and canel acsess in belring while under western control. this was a huge deal during the cold war becuase the germans didnt have some of there supplys. this effected liberalism postivly for the soviets becuase this gave them the upper hand and made the feel strong and united
  • NATO

    Nato is the Norht Atlantic Treaty Organization, this in a miltary allicne prgoram with 28 ueroena countrys, 2 norht american countrys and 1 asion country this implements the treaty signed April in 1949. This effected the cold war becuase there were now rules you had to follow there was guns pointed in evry direction and if one allie trips and fires off his gun that could cause a mass war. this is good for liberlization becuase it makes the people feel free and safe
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    Korean War

    this was a war between north and south korea. this war had broke out to spread comunism during the cold war. this affected the cold war becuase it was the first time two superior countrys had faught a proxy war. this effected many people negativley for liberilism becuause north and south korea had been split up and had to demilitarise.
  • Stalins death

    he died in Kuntsevo Dacha, he died from a stroke and nobdy came into his room becuase they were scared. him dieng caused the union to be in a very bad place when he left. this was bad for liberalism becuase becuase there was other people that had taken over and everyone was bickering
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    Warsaw Pact

    This is know as the Official Treaty of Freidnship, cooperation and mutual assistnece, this was a defense treaty signed in Warsaw Poland. This was cretaed to balcne the power of NATO. this affected the cold war becuase it ballanced out nato and nobody was at a huge advantage in this war. this effected liberlaims becuase this is still many people coming together and allie to become a stronger poulation
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    Veitnam War

    alike the korena war this was a war between norht vietnam and south vietnam. along with cambodia, this war had started becuase of the spread of comunism in the cold war. this affected the cold war ny creating tenisons between USSR and the US. this was not very good for libelroism becuase comunism takes away rights and freedoms
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    hungarian Revolution

    this was a revolution against the stalinist governemnt. and the domestic policys imposed by the USSR. this affected the cold war becuase it caused the hungarions to flee to the west. this was not good for liberlism bec uase the hungarions lsot there freedoms after being beaten by the soviets
  • North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

    NORAD ha sa mission to Protect the maritimes and the aerospace of northamerica, this affected the cold war becuase NORAD was a huge thing to protect the skys and was quite ahead of there time, this affected liberlaims becuase norht america can feel safe during time of war knowing we have NORAD to watch our back
  • fidel castro taking over

    Balistsa was overthrown in 1959 cuase Castro to gain military and political power wich makes him prime minister of Cuba. he based his politcs on the Marxist Lennist model.and then converted cuba to a comunist wich was the first in the western side. this was bad for liberlism becuase they would have lost all property and everything was taken by the government. this affected the war by giving cuba a stronger military
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    Bay of Pigs

    This was a failed mission to try and over throw Fidel CAstro, it happened by on the southwestern coast of cuba in 1961 by all of the exiled cubans who didnt agree with Castro. this didnt not help liberlaism becuase they had all of there rights and belongings taken away and amny people were killed. this contributed to the war because everybody had there guns out and the allies were ready to start shooting if this event had went differently
  • Creation of The Berlin Wall

    East german soldiers laid down more then 30 miles of bared wire through the heart of berlin, the citeznes of east berlin were not allowed to pass through west berlin this effected the war because they had locked up half of a major city. this had a neagtive effect on liberlism becuase it was taking away rights form the east berlin citezens
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    End of the Cuban Missile Crisis

    this was the US and Soviets showing off who had the bigger better guns. this is the closest the cold war had become to a full scale nuclear war.this happened around the coast of cuba. this was a huge part of the cold war becuase it had everyone on there toes before it was deescalated. this was liberlistic becuase it was fighting for freedoms but the cubans had lost many of there rights and freedoms during this act
  • Nuclear Arms Treaty

    this was signed on july 1st 1968 and became effective on march 1970. this is preventing countrys from using nuclear weapons, this was good for the cold war becuase people didnt have to be as scared about being nuked. this was good for liberalism becuase people were gaining freedoms
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    Soviet Afghan War

    this was fought between the soviets and the Republic of afghan. the soviets invaded under th epretext of a treat that was singed in 1978 that agree to provide military and econimic assistance. this was not very good for Afghan beucase they were being assimalited to a communist country. this was good for the cold war becuase it led to the fall of the soviet union.
  • Solidarity in Poland

    this was the agreement to attemp to destroy the union. after years of repression. this was resolving issues in the cold war. this was also very good for liberislm becuase people all agreed on somehting wich means they can axpress there opinions
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    this was a key event on the cold war finishing led to the fall of the communisnm in europe and then shrotly after the fall of the inner german border. this effected the cold war becuase these key affects have led to the comunist falling and the end of the cold war follows this was good for liberalism becuase there was lots of freedoms becuase there was no more communism
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    Czechoslovakia revolution

    this was also calle dthe velvet revolution becuase it was calm and peacful. after the fall of the berlin wall the students had all goteen together to protest the communist regime. this was close to the end of the cold war so it was very good for resolving the conflict, this was also good for liberlisim becuase they were gaining back freedoms with the wall being down
  • End of the Cold War

    this was geographical tension between the US and the USSR and all of the allies these events all led to the begening of world war 2 this was good for liberilsim becuase most people were getting there freedoms back after the conflict has been done and over with