Cold War

  • Arms Race

    A race to have the most nuclear weapons between Russia and the United States.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Gave 400$ million in economic & military aid to Greece and Turkey.
  • Marshall Plan

    European recovery plan, 16 countries received aid, 13 billion un aids given to rebuild western Europe.
  • S.E.A.T.O.

    Southeast Asian treaty organization. The U.S. + 7 other countries.
  • Space Race

    A race to space between Russia and the United states
  • Berlin wall

    Soviet Union begins constructing the Berlin Wall.
  • JFK

    JFK shot and killed in Dallas Texas.
  • Moon Landing

    Nasa finally achieves moon landing.
  • Nixons secret war

    Nixon widened area by bombing laos, cambodia, and ho chi minh trails.
  • Dominos fall

    Saigon fell to nva and last americans fled vietnam.