Cold War

  • President Dies

    U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt suffers a stroke and dies.
  • President Truman determines a tougher stance

    U.S. President Truman gives a tungue-lashing to Soviet Minister Molotov thath he was determined to take a tougher stance with the Soviets than his predecessor had.
  • Potsdam Conference

    At the Potsdam Conference U.S. President Truman informs Soviet Union leader Stalin that the U.S. has nuclear weapons.
  • Potsdam Conference Ends

    Potsdam Conference ends with the Potsdam agreement that organizes the division and reconstruction of Europe after WW2. New boundaries of Poland are agreed.
  • Permission to use atomic weapons

    President Truman gives permission for the worlds second and last military use of an atomic weapon against te Japanese city of Nagasak in order to try to secure a swift Japanese unconditional surrender in the end of the second World War.
  • Japanese Surrender

    Japanese Surrender
    The Japanese surrnder uncoditionally to the U.S. on board the U.S.S. Missouri to representative general Douglas MacArthur.
  • Republic of Austria is reconstructed

    Republic of Austria is reconstructed
    The Republic of Austriua is reconstructed with its 1937 borders but dividedinto 4 zones of control:American, British, French, and Soviet.
  • Enver Hoxha

    Enver Hoxha
    Enver Hoxha lares the peoples Republic of Albania with himself as Prime Minister.
  • Stalin makes election speech

    Stalin makes election speech
    Stalin makes his election speech in whch he states that capitalism and imperalism make future wars inevitable
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    Winston Churchill warned of thedescent of an Iran Curtain across Europe
  • British Soldiers

    British Soldiers
    British Soldiers withdrawn from their zone of occupation in Southern Iran Soviet Soldiers remain in their Northern Sector.
  • Evacuation

    Soviet forces evacuate Iran after a Crisis.
  • Phillipines

    Phillipines gains independence from U.S. and begins fighting communists.
  • Restatement Policy

    Restatement Policy
    In a speech known as the restatement of policy on germany in stuttgart James Byrnes U.S. secretary of state republicates the Morgenthan Plan
  • Control of Germany

    The America and British zones of control in Germany are united to form the Bizone also known as Bizonia