cold war

  • An Iron curtain descends across Europe

    An Iron curtain descends across Europe
    After WW2 The Iron Curtain was created. It was an imaginary boundary that divided Europe into two areas which were the communist and capitalist. The quote that the Iron Curtain descends across Europe came from Churchill's speech to stress the importance of USA and The Great Britain's actions to stop the spread of communism from the USSR.
  • North Korea Invades South Korea

    North Korea Invades South Korea
    North Korea invaded South Korea in the 1950s aiming to put South Korea under the control of communism. This event drew the attention of the UN therefore South Korea gained support from it while North Korea was assisted by China which was also a communist country.
  • Berlin Airlift occurs and Czechoslovakia becomes the last Eastern European country to become Communist

    Berlin Airlift occurs and Czechoslovakia becomes the last Eastern European country to become Communist
    In 1948 Czechoslovakia was taken by the communist power which gave the government of the Soviet Union aligned with Czechoslovakia's government. This then triggered the Berlin Aircraft's establishment.
  • Creation of East and West Germany

    Creation of East and West Germany
    Germany split into East and West Germany after WW2. East Germany, it is being controlled by Communist power.
  • China comes to the aid of North Korea and forces UN troops to retreat

    China comes to the aid of North Korea and forces UN troops to retreat
  • The Korean war ends with a cease fire and Korea remains divided at the 38th parallel and Stalin the leader of Soviet Union, dies

    The Korean war ends with a cease fire and Korea remains divided at the 38th parallel and Stalin the leader of Soviet Union, dies
  • The French lose the battle of Dien Bien Phu and decide to pull out of Indochina

    The French lose the battle of Dien Bien Phu and decide to pull out of Indochina
  • Nikita Krushchev becomes Soviet Premier and Austria reunifies under the condition they remain neutral in the Cold War

    Nikita Krushchev becomes Soviet Premier and Austria reunifies under the condition they remain neutral in the Cold War
  • Soviet crush a revolt in Hungary while the west does nothing

    Soviet crush a revolt in Hungary while the west does nothing
    The Hungarians urged political freedom which made the Soviet Union suppress the protests made by the Hungarians by military control. Though many believe the west and their capitalist power would step in they never did. With no support the Soviet Union crushed the revolt of Hungarians.
  • American U-2 spy plane is shot down by the Soviet Union

    American U-2 spy plane is shot down by the Soviet Union
    On May first, 1960 an American U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers, was shot down by a Soviet surface-to-air missile while conducting reconnaissance over Soviet territory. The incident heightened Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. Initially, the U.S. denied the purpose of the mission, but when evidence surfaced, it led to increased mistrust between the two superpowers.
  • Sputnik I launched

    Sputnik I launched
  • Construction begins on the Berlin Wall and the Bay of pig Invasion occurs

    Construction begins on the Berlin Wall and the Bay of pig Invasion occurs
    The Berlin Wall is constructed to physically separate East and West Berlin to prevent East Berliners from escaping to West Berlin. Due to the Berlin Wall being constructed individuals from East Berlin started digging tunnels to reach the west. In the same year, the Bay of Pig took place.It was a failed attempt by Cuban exiles, supported by the United States, to overthrow the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro.
  • The gulf of Tonkin incident occurs and the USA congress passess the gulf of tokin resolution and Lenoid Brezhnev becomes the leader of the Soviet union

    The gulf of Tonkin incident occurs and the USA congress passess the gulf of tokin resolution and Lenoid Brezhnev becomes the leader of the Soviet union
    In 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin incident heightened U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, leading to the swift passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by Congress. This granted President Lyndon B. Johnson extensive powers in Southeast Asia. Concurrently, Leonid Brezhnev assumed leadership in the Soviet Union, marking a stable period characterized by global influence and later, détente with the U.S. These events defined a crucial juncture in Cold War geopolitics.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis occurs and US increases number of military advisors to South Vietnam to 16,000.

    Cuban Missile Crisis occurs and US increases number of military advisors to South Vietnam to 16,000.
  • President Lynson B Johnson sent the first 60,000 grounds troop to Vietnam

    President Lynson B Johnson sent the first 60,000 grounds troop to Vietnam
    President Lyndon B. Johnson escalated U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War by authorizing the deployment of the first 60,000 ground troops in 1965. This marked a significant escalation from the previous advisory and support role, reflecting Johnson's commitment to combating the spread of communism in Southeast Asia and further deepening the United States' military engagement in Vietnam.
  • Tet offensive occurs

    Tet offensive occurs
    The Tet Offensive in 1968, a surprise series of attacks by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces, marked a turning point in the Vietnam War. Though not militarily successful, the offensive altered public perceptions in the United States, accelerating anti-war sentiments and influencing the eventual withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam.
  • Detente begins

    Detente begins
  • United states and north vietnam agree to cease fire

    United states and north vietnam agree to cease fire
  • The last combat troops leave south vietnam and the nation falls to communists north vietnam

    The last combat troops leave south vietnam and the nation falls to communists north vietnam
    The 1968 Tet Offensive, a surprise attack by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces during the Vietnam War, didn't achieve military success but profoundly influenced U.S. public opinion. Challenging optimistic narratives, it accelerated anti-war sentiments, ultimately leading to the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam.
  • Soviet-Afghan War begins

    Soviet-Afghan War begins
    The Soviet-Afghan War started in 1979 when the Soviet Union intervened to support the communist government in Afghanistan against growing resistance. Lasting nearly a decade, the conflict involved brutal battles with Afghan mujahideen, backed by the U.S. and allies. The war had significant consequences, contributing to the decline of the Soviet Union and shaping the political landscape of Afghanistan.
  • Josip Bronz Tito president of Yugoslavia dies and lech Walesea establishes the solidarity movement in Poland

    Josip Bronz Tito president of Yugoslavia dies and lech Walesea establishes the solidarity movement in Poland
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the soviet union

    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the soviet union
  • The soviet union withdraws troops from Afghanistan romanian uprising ousts nicholae Ceausescy and his wife and the USSR allows the dismanting of the berlin wall

    The soviet union withdraws troops from Afghanistan romanian uprising ousts nicholae Ceausescy and his wife and the USSR allows the dismanting of the berlin wall
  • Estonia Latvia and Lithuania declare thier independence and east west Germany reunite under the chancelor Helmet Kohl

    Estonia Latvia and Lithuania declare thier independence and east west Germany reunite under the chancelor Helmet Kohl
  • Soviet republic declare independence and Gorbachev resigns and Boris Yeltsin becomes the first president of Russia

    Soviet republic declare independence and Gorbachev resigns and Boris Yeltsin becomes the first president of Russia
  • Czechoslovakia becomes the Czech Republic and Slovakia

    Czechoslovakia becomes the Czech Republic and Slovakia