Cpld war

cold war

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Meeting between the big three about the surrender and split of Germany until Feb 11.
  • Truman doctrine

    Truman doctrine
    USA would provide military and economic aid to countries threatened by communism
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan
    US economic recovery to war torn Europe
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Soviets blocked allies access to West berlin
  • Berlin airlift

    Berlin airlift
    Supply west berlin with supplies by air as a result of the berlin blockade.
  • NATO established

    NATO established
    North Atlantic treaty organization provided mutual help if attacked
  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    The arms race was a competition for superiority in nuclear warfare. It is not certain when it started but the first bomb exploded was on this date.
  • Korean war

    Korean war
    Ended July 27, 1953 . This was a war between north and south korea where the united states stepped in on the south's behalf for a war against communism
  • Joseph Stalin dies

    Joseph Stalin dies
    Joseph stalin was the leader of communist Russia
  • nikita khrushchev comes to power

    nikita khrushchev comes to power
    After the death of Stalin Krushchev was nominated for a secretary role which he obtained in September. He was named premier in 1958 and was widely known for the Cuban missile crisis
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Lasted until April 30, 1975 Was a war between the north and south with the united states helping the south but ultimately led to communist control
  • Sputnik launched/ space race

    Sputnik launched/ space race
    Competition between the US and USSR for spaceflight. Starting in the 1950s and ending in 1975. Sputnik of the USSR was launched into orbit on this date
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    American spy plane shot down and threatened information of the US
  • Leonid Brezhnev comes to power

    Leonid Brezhnev comes to power
    Leonid was selected as chairmen on this date which led to Leonid replacing khrushchev as leader of the soviet union in 1964 until 1982
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to travel to space in the space race with the US
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    Intended to provoke an uprising against Fidel Castro but became a symbol of resistance against the U.S.
  • Cuban Missile crisis

    Cuban Missile crisis
    Lasting until October 28, 1962 a confrontation between the US and the soviet union about missiles in Cuba
  • Salt 1 negotiation

    Salt 1 negotiation
    soviet and US negotiators meet to begin strategic arms limitations talks meant to help the arms race
  • Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power

    Mikhail Gorbachev comes to power
    Gorbachev becomes leader of the soviet union and works towards a non communist rule
  • INF treaty

    INF treaty
    eliminate nuclear weapons between USSR and US
  • Berlin wall demolished

    Berlin wall demolished
    Berlin wall taken down and allows east Germany unrestricted migration
  • Cold war officially ends

    Cold war officially ends
    President Bush and Gorbachev meet to officially end the cold war
  • USSR breakup

    USSR breakup
    USSR made up of 15 different republics and signaled an end to the cold war