
Cold War - Chronological Sequence

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The three major powers (Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill) meet in Yalta,Russia. Russia was about to march seven million soldiers taking possession of almost all of eastern and Central Europe. Roosevelt wanted free elections but Stalin knew it would take them out of the Soviet Union. A few months later the Cold War started because of this very topic.
  • Wold War II Declines and Cold War begins

    Wold War II Declines and Cold War begins
    Website There was a major urn point during 1942 when the Pacific war happened with the Coral Sea and the Midway, and that major turn point was when the American planes damaged the Japanese ships really badly. When American won really hard battles, they started becoming offensive by taking some islands from Japan and also recapturing the philippines.
  • Potsdam Conference - Truman - Stalin and British divide up Europe

    Potsdam Conference - Truman - Stalin and British divide up Europe
    Website This conference began under a cloud of distrust. As Roosevelt had died on April 12th, 1945, Harry Truman had been succeeded as the new President. At the conference, Truman demanded free elections throughout Eastern Europe, and to this Stalin responded that they wouldn't allow that as it would slowly become anti-Soviet.
  • U.S. drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan

    U.S. drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
    Video href='' >Website</a><a A U.S. B-29 bomber dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima,Japan that was the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT. The bomb killed thousands of people. It was chosen because it was basically untouched by the war.
  • First East European Communist government set up in Albania

    First East European Communist government set up in Albania
    Website Albania was trying to create a version of a socialist state. The country formed relationships with beijing, Moscow, and Belgrade. They then had the links broken and now they are the most isolated country in the world.
  • Communists seize power in Poland

    Communists seize power in Poland
    Website Although Czechoslovakia was not formally in the soviet orbit, American officials were very concerned about the Soviet communists influence on the nation. Particularly they were upset when Benes' government strongly opposed plans for the political rehabilitation for Germany. So in response, U.S gave a huge loan to Czechoslovakia. As the huge demand came in, Benes obeyed their demands and handed his cabinet over to the part
  • Truman Doctrine announced

    Truman Doctrine announced
    Video<a href='' >Website</a> Right after the Truman took office he put out the Truman doctrine. The doctrine states a new foreign policies. Instead of the U.S. usual policy it stated that the U.S would overthrow corrupt governments and help revolutions that they saw favorable.
  • Berlin Airlift begins (ends May 19, 1949)

    Berlin Airlift begins (ends May 19, 1949)
    Website On that day, the Soviet Union blocked all road and rail travel towards West Berlin, which was located within the Soviet region in Germany. This massive blockage happened because it was a response to the refusal of American and British officials to allow Russia more to say in the economic future of Germany. This lasted for nearly for a year and over 200,00 planes carried more that 1/2 million tons of supplies an
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established
    Website The NATO was made to fight what the Soviet Union stood for.It was established by 12 Western nations: the United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal. Another one of its goals was to fix the aftermath of World War Two. Some of the countries in this organization are from North America and Europe.
  • Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb

    Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb
    Website At their first attempt at Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, they detonate their first atomic bomb named "First Lightning". To measure the effects of the blast, they caged all animals and kept them nearby so that they could see the effects of the nuclear explosion to human-like mammals. The explosion then took place and it was 20 kilotons which was roughly equal to "Trinity", the first U.S atomic explosion.
  • Communists win Chinese Civil War

    Communists win Chinese Civil War
    Website After the events of world war 2 Mao Zedong and the CPC started to take the rebel cities one by one. With every city they took their amount of soldiers grew.They were able to strike so quickly because of funding from the Soviet Union.The United States tried to make peace between the two sides but neither would give up their beliefs or wi
  • U.S. and other U.N. members fight North Korean forces (ends July 27, 1953)

    U.S. and other U.N. members fight North Korean forces (ends July 27, 1953)
    Website North Korea troops unexpectedly attacked South Korea and America wanted the invasion immediately brought before the security Council. At the end of World War II, Korea was split into two; the South in the hands of America and the North in the hands of Russia. U.N had already involved itself in the affairs of Korea when in 1947 before partition. It had declared its intentions of having election held for the whole c
  • U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Iranian government

    U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Iranian government
    Website The leader of the country known as Mohammed Mosaddeq started to attack British oil companies right after he took the prominence. The pro western countries united in order to stop him. CIA was only one part of the plot to stop him. It included three international intel organizations. After the plot was executed the country showed its gratitude and funded the U.S. in their war effort
  • U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Guatemalan government

    U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Guatemalan government
    Website The U.S.Department of State labeled Guzman regime as Communist;as such, the United States began equipping and training the Guatemalan military. After Guzman fled to Cuba, Colonel Castillo Armas rose to the presidency. Castillo presented a list of radical opponents to be dealt with by the American Ambassador; as a result of thousands of Guatemalans were arrested, tortured and even killed. Armas also repeated the measures ta
  • Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed

    Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed
    Website Video- Big Picture SETO Nations In an attempt to stop communism from spreading to other countries the United States, France, Britain, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan created the Southeast Asia treaty organization. They named it this even when only two of the countries are in Southeast Asia.These countries joined all about different reasons. Some were wor
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    Website Video- Formation of the Wrsaw pact The Warsaw Pact was named as the treaty was signed at Warsaw, Poland which included the Soviet Union, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria as members. The treaty called on the member states to come to the defense of any member attacked by an outside force and it set up a unified military
  • First Summit Meeting between President Dwight Eisenhower and Premier Nikita Khrushchev

    First Summit Meeting between President Dwight Eisenhower and Premier Nikita Khrushchev
    Website The summit went well for both countries and both believed that they wanted to ease the tension of the Cold War. Premier Nikita said in a speech to Russians after the summit that they were working on cooling the tension of the Cold War and helping the relations between the two countries. This was the beginning of what would be eventually the best relation between two countrie
  • Red Army crushes the Hungarian Revolution

    Red Army crushes the Hungarian Revolution
    Website Following two weeks of protest and political instability in Hungary, Soviet tanks and troops viciously crush the protests. Thousands were killed and wounded and nearly quarter-million Hungarians fled from the county. Problems in Hungary started in October, when thousands of protesters took to the streets demanding a more democratic political system and freedom from Soviet oppression.
  • Soviets launch first man‑made satellite

    Soviets launch first man‑made satellite
    Website Video- Launch of Sputinik 1 The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik. It was a small satellite about the size of a beach ball and weighed over 100 pounds. The satellite took only minutes to reach the earth's atmosphere. This event marked the beginning of the space race between America and Russia.
  • Fidel Castro becomes premier of Cuba, installs Communist government

    Fidel Castro becomes premier of Cuba, installs Communist government
    Website Before Fidel took over the island state's government; Cuba was under the military rule of President Fulgencio Batista. a rebel movement started, which launched a resistance campaign against Batista's government. On New Year's Day 1959, they finally forced Batista into exile and Castro turned Cuba into the only communist state in the Western Hemisphere.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    Link- U2 Incadent Website The USSR shot down an American spy plane and captured the pilot. His name was Francis Gray Powers. From this they gathered evidence of espionage about the United States. President Dwight Eisenhower was forced to confess that the CIA has been running spy missions over Russia for years.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba

    Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba
    Website The CIA had a plan to destroy Castro's tiny air force. A group of Cuban exiles took off from Nicaragua in a squadron of American B-26 bombers. Thinking that Castro wouldn't know the plan, they proceeded forward and later on they found out that they had known the plan long time ago and had moved to the Bay of Pigs. There the CIA's plan failed and they did'nt want the word of this to spread any
  • East Germany starts to build the Berlin Wall

    East Germany starts to build the Berlin Wall
    Website They separated the east and West Berlin with barbed wire at first. Then they started to construct the wall. They did this for refugees trying to escape communism. After time of the wall going up the wall itself became a symbol of what the Cold War was.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    WebsiteVideo- Cuban Missle Crisis for Dumbies After seizing power in the Caribbean island nation of Cuba, Fidel Castro aligned himself with the Soviet Union. Under Castro, Cuba grew dependant on the Soviets for military and economic aid. During that time, U.S and the Soviets were going through the Cold War. Then two major people of the Cold War had confronted that an Amer
  • China explodes its first atomic bomb

    China explodes its first atomic bomb
    Video-China's first nuclear bomb testWebsite China exploded its first atomic bomb at 3:00pm successfully carrying out its first nuclear test. This was a major achievement by the chinese as they struggled
  • U.S. sends troops to the Dominican Republic

    U.S. sends troops to the Dominican Republic
    Website U.S. Troops were sent to the capital to help ease the fighting between the rebels and the government. Once the fighting was eased a full constitutional government. The U.S. Citizens in the country were then evacuated out of the country. The troops were then working with the rebels in start of talking about the consequences in a communist invasion.
  • U.S. commits combat troops to South Vietnam

    U.S. commits combat troops to South Vietnam
    Website President Lyndon B. Johnson sent over 75,000 troops to Vietnam. A draft would be monthly for a number of around 20,000 people. He tried to settle a treaty to end the war and would need soldiers if it failed. The troops were shipped out to Vietnam the next week.
  • Soviet Red Army crushes Czech Uprising

    Soviet Red Army crushes Czech Uprising
    Website A army of over 150,000 Warsaw Pact troops and over 4,000 tanks invaded Czechoslovakia. The forces tried to destroy the tanks but none of their material was good enough. The rebellion was crushed and a communist government was reinstalled.
  • Sino‑Soviet Conflict begins

    Sino‑Soviet Conflict begins
    Website There was a delay on fuel for a Russian patrol on Zhenbao island also known as Damansky island. The Russians got ambushed by the Chinese. The Russians counter ambushed the Chinese and many Chinese soldiers were killed. After this event the Chinese citizens became enraged at the Russians and telling the leader that he needed to go to war
  • President Richard Nixon visits China

    President Richard Nixon visits China
    Video-Nixon in ChinaWebsite U.S President Richard Nixon traveled to the People's Republic of China (PRC) and met with Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, and Zhou Enlai, the PRC Premier. During the visit, the 2 governments negotiated the Shangai Communique, an important step to improving relations with the
  • U.S. supported coup overthrows Chilean government

    U.S. supported coup overthrows Chilean government
    Website and Video President Nixon and Secretary of State National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger helped orchestrate the coup that put General Augusto Pinochet in power and President Allende dead. Pinochet would go on to kill at least 3,000 Chileans over the next 17 years.
  • South Vietnam falls to Communist forces

    South Vietnam falls to Communist forces
    Website When they attacked at dawn, they met little resistance. North Vietnamese tanks crashed through gates of Presidential Palace and the war ended. North Vietnamese Col Bui Tin accepted the surrender from Gen. Duong Van Minh, who had taken over after Tran Van Huong spent only one day in power. Tin explained to Minh, “You have nothing to fear. Between Vietnamese there are no victors and no vanquished. Only the
  • Soviet and Cuban forces help install Communist government in Angola

    Soviet and Cuban forces help install Communist government in Angola
    Website The soviets and the Cubans made a mission to install a communist party in South Africa. Cuba struggled to complete this because of the Americans shorting the supply of materials. Albania was one country that the Cubans couldn't help with but the soviets sent a mass amount of troops that destroyed the rebels and then as a response Albania switched to communism.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Video-Moments in History - The Fall of the Berlin WallWebsite To make the Berlin wall fall, it took three decades since 1961.Several times people in Communist countries raised up against the communist system but failed. On Nov. 9th, a member of the new East German govt. was asked at a press conference when the new East German travel law comes into force. He answered : "