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Cold war

  • The Yalta conference

    The Yalta conference
    Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill all met up on the black sea to plan the postwar World.
  • The read scare

    The read scare
    The fear of communist where taking over the U.S. They trusted no one. People feared their neighbors because anyone could be a communist and they viewed communist as spies.
  • The United Nations Creation.

    The United Nations Creation.
    In Washington, D.C. delegates from 39 countries met to discuss the new organization and 50 countries came to San Francisco to officially organize the United Nations.
  • world war 2

    world war 2
    World war 2 ends with the allies victory. The Allies defeated Germany and then Japan.
  • The long telegram

    The long telegram
    diplomat George Kennan had a response message that was thousands of words long of why the Soviet Union was acting like they were.
  • Iron curtain

    Iron curtain
    This was when the allies had a "military barrier" or iron curtain separating Eastern Europe from the West
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    It was a European Recovery Program that gave European nations American aid to rebuild their economy.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Announced to congress by President Truman a policy who's purpose was to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion during the Cold War was made.
  • Berlin Blockade/ airlift

    Berlin Blockade/ airlift
    The Soviet Union blocked the allies railways, roads and canals to the west side of Berlin. So Britain and the U.S started dropping supplies from planes to the city.
  • Creations of NATO

    Creations of NATO
    Included twelve countries: Canada, United States, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, the Netherlands, Norway,Luxembourg, and Iceland.
  • McCarthyism

    Was making accusations without proof that someone was a communist and/or a spy
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    North Korean troops invaded south Korea. President Truman ordered troops from Japan to Korea. They where successful in pushing them back over the boarder but they pushed them to far because China didn't like them coming into their territory so China joined in and pushed South Korea back
  • Duck and cover

    Duck and cover
    This was a safety practice for kids and grown ups so they know what to do if the Soviet Union decided to bomb the U.S. with nuclear weapons.
  • The Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs
    The Rosenberg's where a couple that where executed and accused of being communist spies that where giving the Soviet union Information on our Atomic bombs
  • The Warsaw pact

    The Warsaw pact
    The soviet union's response to the NATO allowing west Germany to rearm and join it's organization was to organize a military alliance in East Europe.
  • The Suez canal

    The Suez canal
    Also known as the Suez crisis. Eisenhower wanted to prevent the Arabs from siding with the soviet union. So we offered to help finance the construction of the damn on the Nile river. But Egypt had bought weapons from communist so we went back on our offer.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    A middle Eastern country could request American aid for U.S military forces if being threatened
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    A spy plane was shot down in Soviet airspace and the U.S. tried to play it off as a weather plane. Soviet Union got mad at their lies.