
Cold War

By Vivi C
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    The Nuremberg trials were held in Germany where allied military courts tried more than 200 Nazi & military officials. Several were sentenced to death for their roles in other war crimes including the Holocaust.
  • Communism Spreads

    Communism Spreads
    Tension between the Soviet Union & the Western democracies was caused by communism. It was then worsened even more after by the soviet failure to remove troops from Northern Iran. In February 1946, Stalin stated publicly that he believed there would be another war between the East & the West bound in the future.
  • The Arms Race Begins

    The Arms Race Begins
    During the 1500's the Soviet Union & the United States raced to develop powerful new weapons. This seemed to draw the nuclear war even closer.
  • The Nuclear Arms Race Develops

    The Nuclear Arms Race Develops
    The United States tested their first fusion-powered hydrogen bomb with dramatic results. Less than one year later the Soviets tested their own hydrogen bomb. Both sides were forced to change their military tactics due to this development of nuclear weapons.
  • Cold War Rivalry Spreads

    Cold War Rivalry Spreads
    Egypt took over the Suez Canal, which was primarily controlled by Great Britain & France which angered the West. As a result of that, Britain, France, & Israel attacked Egypt. Fearing another attack, the United States quickly demanded that its Western Allies their attack & the conflict finally came to an end.
  • Communism in Cuba

    Communism in Cuba
    In 1959 the people under the leadership of Fidel Castro overthrew Cuba's dictator & installed a Communist government. A centrally planned economy was established by Castro once he was in power & forged close ties with the Soviet Union. Those actions worried the United States since Cuba is located only 90 miles south of Florida its alliance with the Soviet Union brought the Cold War alarmingly close to American territory.
  • SALT

    SALT,the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks was an outcome from Richard Nixon who became president of the U.S, which led to agreements limiting the number of nuclear weapons held by each side. SALT led to ABM, the Anti Ballistic Missile treaty meant to ensure that each side remained impotent to the others nuclear weapons. This led to be a key factor in the prevention of the nuclear war.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    The Civil Rights Movement inspired a renewed women's rights movement. This movement was for the belief that women & men should be socially, politically, & economically equal.
  • Elimination of Missiles

    Elimination of Missiles
    The United States & the Soviet Union both ratified the INF treaty calling the elimination of certain types of missiles which helped improve their relationship. After many years conflict.
  • The End of the Cold War

    The End of the Cold War
    Powerless to stop the flood of its citizens streaming into West Germany, the East German government opened the gates of the Berlin Wall in November 1989. Blissful Berlins impulsively started tearing down the wall, the Soviet repression had finally fallen. Less than one year later, West Germany & East Germany were reunified as a singe nation.