Winston Churchill
A British statesman who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. -
George Marshall
American soldier and statesman famous for his leadership roles during World War II and the Cold War. -
George Kennan
He served as a U.S. diplomat in numerous counties. -
John F Kennedy
He orders the Bay of Pigs invasion, orders USA blockaded Cuban ports, and agreed not to invade Cuba. -
Fidel Castro
Communist that seized control of Cuba. -
Gary Powers
A U-2 Pilot. -
Yalta Conference
The start of the Cold War. Stalin promised free elections in Eastern Europe. -
United Nations (UN)
An international organization to settle world problems
and avoid armed conflicts. -
Truman Doctrine
The USA would provide military and economic aid to
countries threatened by Communism. -
Marshall Plan
This was the U.S. economic recovery for war-torn Europe. $13 billion in U.S. loans. -
Berlin Air Lift
The U.S. and British airplanes fly supplies in West Berlin with 200,000 flights and 1.5 million tons of supplies. -
Stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The military alliance against the Soviet Union. -
The Soviet plan to rebuild Soviet bloc nations. -
Hydrogen Bomb
Exploded on the Pacific, going 8 miles across and 27 miles
high. -
An American politician and general who served as the 34th President of the United States. -
The Soviet leader after Stalin. He removed the harsh policies of Stalin’s government. -
Massive Retaliation
When any Soviet advance in Europe met with the full use of U.S. nuclear weapons. -
Warsaw Pact
The military alliance of Communist Block nations. -
Hungarian Revolution
Anti-Soviet demonstrations, Khrushchev crushed revolt and Soviet tanks rolled through Budapest. -
First satellite to orbit earth. -
American spy plane that got shot down by USSR. -
Yuri Gagarin
First man to travel in space. -
Bay of Pigs
Cuban exiles invade Cuba and lead a revolt against Castro. -
Berlin Wall Built
Built to keep East Germans from fleeing to West Germany. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba -
French for relaxation. Improvement of the US - Soviet relations. -
An agreement with N. Vietnam and the USA withdraws forces. -
The gradual changing of Soviet economy allowing private enterprise. -
Berlin Wall Torn Down
Torn down after the East German government announced that East German citizens would be allowed to leave the country without restrictions. -
The freedom of expression for Soviet citizens.