Cold War

  • Ho Chi Minh Declares Independance in Vietnam

    It is the first war in the cold war that involves Communism vs Capitalism also known to be a proxy war
  • Communist Coup in Czechoslovakia

    communist coup in czechoslovakia is important because its shows czechoslovakia being part of the warsaw pact
  • Communist NK attacks SK

    its shows again a war representing communism against capitalism
  • West Germany Joins NATO

    west germany joining NATO is important because its show they wanna keep communism in the east
  • The USSR launched Sputnik, Starting The Space Race.

    The ussr launching sputnik shows that its not about communism spreading or capital spreading its also about who can come up with better innovations
  • Eisenhower

    eisenhower becomes president
  • CUBA

    cuba becomes communist this is important because communist isn't just spreading in eastern europe
  • U2 Incident

    u2 incident is important because it was a american spy plane shot down showing that there were spies
  • US Blockeaded Cuba

    The Us Blockeaded Cuba in response to build-up of Soviet Missles
  • Washing-Moscow Hot Line Established

  • "Six-Day War" in the Middle East

    the six day war was a proxy war between isreal and palestine
  • Detente

    This event was when the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union were improved.
  • Remaining Americans Evacuate Vietnam

    Remaining Americans Evacuate Vietnam
  • Death of Mao

    Death of Mao
    Chinese Communist Revolutionary Mao Zedong died
  • Carter Administration

    Carter Administration
    Carter became president and started his Human Rights Campaign
  • Soviet Union Coup Attempt

    Soviet Union Coup Attempt
    Members of the Soviet Unions government attempted to take control of the country from Soveit President Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Tear Down This Wall Speech

    Tear Down This Wall Speech
    This was a speech by US president Ronald Reagan to the people of west berlin to tear down the berlin wall
  • Bush is Inaugurated

    Bush is Inaugurated
    George H.W. Bush was inaugerated as the President of the US
  • Warsaw Pact is formally Dissolved

    Warsaw Pact is formally Dissolved
    The warsaw pact (treaty of friendship) was formally ended
  • Communist leaders elected in Poland and Hungary

    Communist leaders elected in Poland and Hungary
    The government of Poland and Hungary was converted from democracy to communism
  • Eurpean Union

    Poland and Hungary apply for membership in European Union
  • U.S. Troops Sent to Lebanon

    U.S. Troops Sent to Lebanon
    14,000 americans were sent to lebanon to combat the opposition of President Camille Chamoun