Cold War

By h0w06us
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    Presidency of Harry S. Truman

    Was the 33rd president of the United States of America. He fully committed the United States to containing the Soviet expansion in Europe.
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    US general Douglas MacArthur accepted Japan formal surrender. This took place on the battleship US Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
  • Vietnam Declares Independents

    Vietnam Declares Independents
    Ho Chi Minh declared the independence of Vietnam from France. The proclamation paraphrased the U.S. Declaration of Independence in declaring, “All men are born equal: the Creator has given us inviolable rights, life, liberty, and happiness!
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    the principle that the US should give support to countries or peoples threatened by Soviet forces or Communist insurrection. First expressed in 1947 by US President Truman in a speech to Congress seeking aid for Greece and Turkey, the doctrine was seen by the Communists as an open declaration of the Cold War.
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    Cold War

    The United States of America and the Soviet union were at a rivalry. There was no physical war but it was filled with propaganda, arms buildup, and was very political. These 2 country's were superpowers and building very powerful bombs trying to one up each other.
  • Marshal Plan

    Marshal Plan
    The Marshal Plan proposed that the United States provide economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of postwar Europe.
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    Berlin Airlift

    Soviet forces made a blockade around Berlin. The united states and the United kingdoms airlifted fuel and food in response.
  • NATO Creation

    NATO Creation
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in 1949 and is a group of 30 countries from Europe and North America that exists to protect the people and territory of its members.
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    The Korean War

    Conflict between North Koreans and South Koreans started over tension the North Korea invading south Korea. In 1950 the war spread by gaining support of other country's.
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    Warren Court

    The Warren Court expanded civil rights, civil liberties, judicial power, and the federal power in dramatic ways. It has been widely recognized that the court, led by the liberal bloc, has created a major "Constitutional Revolution" in the history of United States.
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    Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower

    34th president of the United States and focused on soviet union and its satellites. Started to build up nuclear weapons and nuclear delivery systems.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. It signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States.
  • The 1954 Geneva Accords signed

    The 1954 Geneva Accords signed
    The conferees at Geneva come to an agreement, meeting French Prime Minister Pierre Mendés France's timetable. This final agreement of the Geneva Accords establishes a ceasefire in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, officially ending the First Indochina War.
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    long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The conflict was intensified by the ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • Rosa Parks refuses her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses her seat
    After Parks refused to move, she was arrested and fined $10. The chain of events triggered by her arrest changed the United States.
  • Robert Kennedy assassination

    Robert Kennedy assassination
    shortly after midnight, Robert F. Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He was pronounced dead at 1:44am.
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    The culture and lifestyle of those people, especially among the young, who reject or oppose the dominant values and behavior of society.
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    Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Launched from Guatemala, the attack went wrong almost from the start. Components of Brigade 2506 landed at the Bay of Pigs on April 17, 1961 and were defeated within 2 days by Cuban armed forces under the direct command of Castro.
  • The Building of the Berlin Wall

    The Building of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall became the symbol of the Cold War and a tangible manifestation of the world's separation into two distinct ideological blocs. Map from the era, illustrating Berlin's division between the Allied forces.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    American U-2 spy plane secretly photographed nuclear missile sites being built by the Soviet Union on the island of Cuba. Was the moment when the two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict.
  • The Limited Test Ban Theory

    The Limited Test Ban Theory
    After Senate approval, the treaty that went into effect on October 10, 1963, banned nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere, in outer space, and under water.
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    Johnson's Presidency

    After taking office, he won passage of a major tax cut, the Clean Air Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. After the 1964 election, Johnson passed even more sweeping reforms. The Social Security Amendments of 1965 created two government-run healthcare programs, Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Civil Rights act of 1964

    Civil Rights act of 1964
    prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, authorizing President Johnson to take any measures he believed were necessary to retaliate and to promote the maintenance of international peace and security in southeast Asia.
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    Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive of 1968 was a coordinated series of North Vietnamese attacks on more than 100 cities and outposts in South Vietnam. The offensive was an attempt to foment rebellion among the South Vietnamese population and encourage the United States to scale back its involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    It occurred when Charlie Company was ordered to enter the village for a search and destroy mission. Still stinging from human losses in their unit during the Tet Offensive, Charlie Company vented their rage on the villagers at My Lai.
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr

    Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr
    Martin Luther King was shot dead while standing on a balcony outside his second-floor room at the Lorraine Motel.
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    Richard Nixon

    Was focused on limiting danger from the Soviet Union and China during his presidency. Policy sought on detente with both nations, which were hostile to the U.S. and to each other.
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    Stonewall Riots

    The Stonewall Riots ignited after a police raid took place at the Stonewall Inn. The tension from ongoing harassment galvanized the LGBTQ community to riot for six days.
  • The First Man on Moon

    The First Man on Moon
    Neil Armstrong and later Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin become the first men to walk on the Moon while their cremate Michael Collins continues to orbit the Moon aboard the Apollo 11. This secured a victory for America in the Space Race with a televised landing witnessed around the world by 723 million people.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would invalidate many state and federal laws that discriminate against women; its central underlying principle is that sex should not determine the legal rights of men or women.
  • Roe V. Wade

    Roe V. Wade
    Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court recognized that the right to liberty in the Constitution, which protects personal privacy, includes the right to decide whether to continue a pregnancy.
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    Gerald Ford

    Continued Nixon's detente policy with the Soviet Union and China which eased the tensions. Overcame the Opposition from members in congress and became assertive in foreign affairs.
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    Jimmy Carter

    President Carter held the Camp David peace talks in an attempt to calm tensions in the Middle East. The problem centered on the Yom Kippur War of 1973.
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    Ronald Reagan

    Reagan relaxed his aggressive rhetoric toward the Soviet Union after Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Soviet Politburo in 1985. Soviets reversed their hostile view of Reagan and began negotiating in earnest.
  • Tearing Down of the Berlin Wall

    Tearing Down of the Berlin Wall
    half a million people gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest, that the Berlin Wall dividing communist East Germany from West Germany crumbled. East German leaders had tried to calm mounting protests by loosening the borders, making travel easier for East Germans.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government' programs and services.
  • The Soviets Disbanded

    The Soviets Disbanded
    The dissolution of the Soviet Union was the process of internal disintegration within the Soviet Union (USSR) which resulted in the end of the country's and its federal government's existence as a sovereign state.