Creation of Israel
Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion proclaims state of Israel, making it the first Jewish state in 2,000 years. This brought conflict between Jewish people and Arab Muslims. -
Creation of NATO
Foreign ministers from 12 countries in North America and Western Europe came together in Washington D.C. to sign the North Atlantic Treaty. Which was a security pact stating that any attack against one of the signatories would be considered an attack against all. -
Korean War
North Korean soldiers crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea. It was a war against communism. Ended in 1953. 5 million soldiers and civilians were killed. -
Brown V. Board of Education
Brown v Board of Education- May 17th 1954; Supreme Court decided to overturn the provisions of the Plessy v Ferguson decision. They made it to where states couldn’t have state sponsored segregation, this event was one of the main events that sparked the Civil Rights Movement. It made it legal for whites and blacks to come together and get an education. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man which lead to her arrest. After she got arrested it lead to a protest and resulted in all African Americans boycotting riding any public transportation. This impacted the world by making the world realize how important African Americans are to the public transportation system. -
Creation of Warsaw Pact
Treaty between Soviet Union, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria as an agreement that if one member was attacked then they will come to each others rescue. -
Vietnam War
Long war between North Vietnam and their allies known as the Viet Cong against South Vietnam and U.S. It was a war over communism spreading to South Vietnam. More than 3 million people were killed in the war. -
Little Rock Nine
Group of nine African American students who were enrolled into Little Rock Central High School after the decision of the Brown v Board of Education decision. Made America realize that desegregation in schools was going to happen by the President sending troops to personally escort the students in. -
Launching of Sputnik
Soviet launched artificial satellite from Tyuratam launch base in the Kazakh Republic. Sputnik was used to study Earth and the Solar system.it transmitted radio signals back to Earth. In January 1958, Sputnik's orbit deteriorated and burned up in the Atmosphere. -
Greensboro Sit-ins
4 African American students sat down at Woolworth’s lunch counter which was an all-white lunch counter. They would not be served because of who they were and when they were asked to leave they refused and remained seated. They were tortured verbally or physically until they moved. Showing up and continuing to sit turned into 6 months and others started to join in and help. This eventually lead to the desegregation of the F.W. Woolworth’s lunch counter on July 25th, 1960. -
U-2 Spy Incident
USSR shot down an American U-s spy plane in soviet air space and captured the pilot, Francis Gary Powers.Confronted with evidence President Eisenhower was forced to admit that the CIA was flying spy missions over the USSR for several years. Led to more tension between the U.S. and Soviets during the Cold War. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Plan to destroy Castro's air force, making it impossible to keep them out. A group of Cuban refuges bombed their air fields. Castro knew about the plan and moved his planes. On the day of the attack it was an immediate disaster and they surrendered in less than 24- hours. -
Freedom Riders
7 blacks and 6 whites rode on two public buses integrated and traveled down to the Deep South. They did this to challenge the case of Morgan v Virginia and Boynton v Virginia which stated that segregated buses was unconstitutional. Even though by law it was in the Deep South still did not accept it and would bring mobs to come and try to destroy the buses and harm those on the bus. -
Berlin Wall
Wall built to divide East and West Berlin and keeping citizens from crossing from communist Berlin t democratic Berlin. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
CIA discovered that the Soviets were building missile sites in Cuba. President Kennedy sent a naval fleet to intercept missiles going into Cuba and cause the nation to be on the brink of nuclear war. -
"I Have a Dream Speech"
Civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr during the march on Washington. The speech talks about the need to end racism in the United States and the need for civil and economic rights. This became known as the dream for all African americans at the time, it was what they all hoped for their future and the future of their kids. It impacted the world by letting everyone know that racism is real -
Domino Theory
U.S foreign policy developed by John F. Kennedy starting in the early 1950's, that said that a communist victory in one nation would lead to a chain reaction of communist takeovers in neighboring states. -
JFK Assassination
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots from the sixth floor of a building fatally wounding the president and injuring Governor Connally. At 2:39 that day Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as 36th president of the U.S. -
24th Amendment
prohibited any states from making minorities pay poll taxes or any other kind of taxes to be able to vote. This amendment helped African Americans vote it allows them to be able to vote without taxes, fees, or having to take any type of test. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This act stated that the US outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Officially ended any type of discrimination among anyone in the US. This completely ended any ways that states would come up with to keep African Americans from completely receiving all of their rights. -
Freedom Summer
Also called Mississippi summer project volunteer campaign in attempt to get African Americans have more confidence -
Gulf of Tonkin
Gave congressional approval for the expansion of the Vietnam War. North Vietnamese was getting stronger and this caused the senate to allow the president to take any action necessary to repel an enemy attack. -
Malcolm X Assassination
While speaking at an event at the Manhattan’s Audubon Ballroom three gunmen rushed towards Malcolm and opened fire 15 times at close range. He was 39 at the time and was pronounced dead at New York’s Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. His assassins were Talmadge Hayer, Norman 3x Butler, and Thomas 15x Johnson and were all convicted of first-degree murder and were all apart of the Nation of Islam. -
Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama
600 people gathered to march with Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis. Just right before they finished crossing the Edmund Pettis Bridge they were met by Alabama State Troopers who ordered them to turn around. When the protesters refused some officers threw teargas into the crowd and began to violently beat the nonviolent protestors. This march had one of the biggest impacts because with all the violence and police brutality that took place on that bridge shook the world -
Voting Rights of 1965
Outlawed the new voting law, literacy test, as a necessity to take before voting. This act was passed to ensure African Americans their right to vote. This impacted many people mainly because it ensured African Americans that they can vote. -
Loving V. Virginia
Civil Rights decision of the supreme court, which invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage. Led to the Increase in interracial marriage in the U.S. and is celebrated on Loving Day, June 12. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
It was stated that Kings last words were about what he wanted Ben Branch to play after their meeting that night. King was shot by James Earl Ray at 6:01 pm. The bullet entered through his cheek smashing his jaw then traveling down his spinal cord before lodging in his shoulder. King later died after having emergency chest surgery at 7:05 pm at St. Joseph’s Hospital -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Enacted that they’re be equal housing opportunities provided no matter the race, religion, or national origin. This act was signed into law by President Johnson whom also signed the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. Its also known as the Fair Housing Act. With this act being passed it allowed more freedom for minorities -
Conceived as "Three days of Peace and Music" was a partnership between John Roberts, Joel Rosenman, Artie Kornfield, and Michael Long. Their original idea was to save money to buy a studio in New York, but instead they decided to hold the festival on a 600-acre dairy farm in Bethel, New York. -
Kent State Protest
The US involvement in the Vietnam war it upset many Americans. It gained such an uproar that college students at Kent State began to protest which turned violent and ended in some students dying from the Ohio State Police.