Creation of Israel
The discovery of the Holocaust during ww1 served to increase support for the founding of Israel. With the support of the newly formed United Nations, the new state of Israel officially became an independent Jewish state. -
creation of nato
north atlantic treaty organization. this was the organization against communism. -
Korean War
The Korean war began when North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel. The United Nations came to the aid of South Korea -
Domino Theory
This was the theory that if one nation fell to communism then they all would, and led us to getting into several unnecessary conflicts. -
Vietnam War
this war was yet again an effort to stop the spread of communism. the Viet Cong were continuing to expand as more and more of the poor in south vietnam were drawn to their cause. The viet cong survived by the Ho Chi Minh Trail. -
montgomery bus boycott
this is when the blacks boycotted the buses and walked everywhere. there were attacks on buses. -
little rock nine
nine african americans enrolled at little rock central highschool. the governor prevented them from entering the high school. they had to be militrary escorted into the school. -
launching of sputnik
the ussr launched the very first satellite into space. beating the united states in the race to space. -
brown vs. board of education
the brown vs. board of education case took place because a little girl was walking two miles to her black school when there was a white school right down the road. this case desegregated schools. it deemed segregated schools was unconstitutional. -
U-2 Spy Incident
this was the event of a spy plane being shot down over Russia and has lead to much distrust between us. -
bay of pigs invasion
invasion of cuba, launched by cuban exiles. this is known as the perfect failure. -
freedom riders
made it illegal in bus stations opened to interstate travel. the freedom riders tested this decision. blacks and whites started in d.c. to travel south. -
berlin wall.
the literal division of berlin. this was the division of democracy and communism -
cuban missle crisis
this was the closes the united states has ever came to a nuclear war. the us authorized a naval blockade. -
i have a dream speech
martin luther king jr. did his march on washington and gave his famous speech. he dreamt that all people would be equal regardless of race. -
JFK Assassanation
JFK was assassinated while riding along in his car with the top down. this event has speared lots of congresspersons and often people wonder how he would have delt with the war. -
24th Amendment
This served to protect black voting rights by making the poll tax illegal -
Freedom Summer
This was the act of blacks riding buses of long periods of time to test the new laws, and often ended in violence. -
civil rights act of 1964
granted blacks more civil rights. this reserved the rights to vote. and makes poll taxes illegal. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
The women's movement rejected traditional gender roles and advanced equality between men and women -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
This resolution gave the president the power to take all necessary actions to repel any armed attack against the forces of the U.S -
Greensboro Sit-ins
Nonviolent protest in which blacks sat in segregated places until they were served or arested -
Malcom X Assassanation
After going on a pilgrimage to Mecca e witnessed blacks and wights praying together, this caused him to have less militant views and many believed him to be a traitor. -
Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama
The Selma to Montgomery marches were three protest marches, held in 1965, along the 54-mile highway from Selma, Alabama to the state capital of Montgomery. -
voting rights act of 1965
this banned the long standing voting discriminations in the south. this banned the literacy tests and the poll taxes the blacks had to pay. the act was passed by president lyndon b johnson. -
Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
King was killed by a gunman James Earl Ray in April 1968 as he stood on a balcony of a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee -
music festival. hippies and economy lovers came to this event to listen to music. -
kent state protest
students attacked buisnesses and burned the rotc building. governor of ohio sent the nation guard. they gunned down 4 people and seriously injured 9. -
Loving v. Virginia
desecrated marriage of wights and colored people -
creation of warsaw pact
this is when the communist banded together.