Quebecs Padlock Law
Video on Quebecs Government"The Act to protect the province against communist propoganda." was passed by Union Nationale goverment of Maurice Duplessis, preventing the printing and passing of pamphlets, flyers poster or ads in support of communism. -
Spies in Canada!
Igor Interview1943: A soviet spy placed in the soviet embassy in Ottawa. In 1945 he discovered he and his family were going to be transferred, so he acts out by defecting into the canadian government. He spills all the soviet secrets he has uncovered, in exchange for his safety. -
Berlin Blockade
Berlin Wall VideoFirst international cold war crisis. During the occupation of WWII Germany, the Soviet Union attempted to remove the allies from this territory by blocking their supply railway. It failed for the allies airlifted the neccesary supplies. -
NATO - Alliances Form.
NATO mission statementA partnership of peace between 28 countries including Canda and the United States. It highlights that it is a system of collective defence, whereby member states agree to a mutual defense in response to any attack by any external party. -
"The Forgoten War" - Korean War
Information on the Korean WarKorea was segregated along the 38th Parallel after the surrender of Japan, between the two super powers of The Soviet Union, and the United States of America. It was cause due to the dispute between Soviet Union and the States, and the failure to hold free elections. -
Bomarc, Nuclear War Heads, and Canada
Speech on Nuclear War HeadsBomarc was the first and only missiles ever launched under the name of the US airforce. All other SAM's (surface to air missilees) belonged to the US Military. In 1957 John Georde Diefenbark was the leader of the conservative party during its first electoral victory in 27 years. He was the one who decided that nuclear war missiles should not enter Canada. -
Draft Dodgers in Canada.
The Vietnam WarSimilar to the Korean war, the Vietnam war was a cold war conflict between communist supported north Vietnam, and the western supported south Vietnam. Canada was officially non beligerent, many men refusing to follow the conscription laws of Canada effectively dubbed, draft dodgers. -
UN Peace Keeping
The Suez CrisisThe Suez conflict also known as Sinai War was a military conflict between England, France, and Israel, against Egypt (under the support of the Soviet Union)
Lester Pearson created the solution in the sense that he would initiate a peace keeping division that would patrol the borders. Canada making the greates contribution. -
Sputnik LaunchSputnik was the first artificial Earth satelite launched by the Soviet Union. It struck up the fear in the United States of a Nuclear attack on the premise that the same missile used to launch Sputnik could be used for the delivery of a nuclear war head anywhere in North America. -
Avro CF-105 Arrow
First FlightThe Avro Arrow was a delta winged (in corrolation to the triangle shaped wings) interception aircraft (made to prevent enemy aircraft missions) constructed as the pinnacle of aeronautical studies for Avro Aircraft Limited Canada in Malton Ontario. It was seen as the culmination of military science, capable of mach 2 speeds, at altitudes exceeding 15,00m it was meant to serve as the RCAF main interceptor. -
DEW line and NORAD
NORAD HeadquartersNORAD is an Aerospace DEfense program, that provides aerospace warning, air soveirignity, and general defense for the two adjacent countries.
Distance Early Warning Line is an early warning system for ICBM's (Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles) placed in the far northern part of Canada. -
October Crisis
President Kennedy's SpeechThe Soviet Union came to a mutual agreement with Cuba that missile sites for medium range and intermediate range ballistic missiles would be constructed within Cuba to deter the United States from further Incasions. The US initiated a military blockade, and succsefully detered the Soviet Union. -
Canada - Soviet Hockey
summit series game 8An Intensive, nationalist fueled, clash of titans. Canada previously dominating the ice skating world, return to valiantly prove their worth against the soviet union. WHo surprise them by playing harder than ever before. A dramatic finish with Canada making a comeback to only scrape by with a win by 1 game. -
Fall of the Wall
Fall of the WallRonald Reagen challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall as a symbol of growing peace in the east of eaurope. -
Fall of the Soviets
Fall of the SovietsThe process of the disintegration of the USSR was a combination of elements varying from the systematic dysolution of social structure, the chromatic degrasion of economy, and the fall of their political structure. It was all initiated by the fall of the Soviet Government. With each republic gaining independace on the 25th of december, 1991.