Cold War

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    The Iron Curtain Speech

    winston Churchill condemed the soviet unions policy
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    The truman doctrine

    the truman doctrine was america's new foreign policy to counter soviet geopoltical spread.
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    The Molotov Plan

    A system created by the soviet union to provide aid and to rebuild countries in line with the soviet union
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    The Marshall Plan

    The american initive to aid western europe
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    The Marshall Plan

    The american initive to aid western europe. The US gave 12 million in aid.
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    The Berlin Airlift

    Aid to the soviet controlled berlin through and air lift
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    Soviet Atomic Bomb Test of 1949

    The first soviet nuclear bomb test
  • The korean war

    The korean war began when North Korea invaded South Korea.
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    The battle of dien bien phu

    first indo china war. vietmen put artillrey in caves on mountains and destroyed french.
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    the geneva conference

    settle issues in korean penuslia.
  • The Army McCarthy hearings

    The Army–McCarthy hearings were a series of hearings.
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    The Warsaw Pact

    the warsaw pact was established as a counter weight to NATO
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    The Invasion of Hungary

    The hungarian revolution the citizens of the country revloted against the goverment.
  • Bay of pigs

    The bay of pigs invasion was a failed military invasion of Cuba
  • cuban missile crisis

    The cuban missile crisis, was a 13-day confrontation between the united states and the soviet union
  • assassination of diem

    the murder of the president of south vietnam, ngo dinh diem on november 2, 1963
  • Assassination of JFK

    On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated
  • Assassination of MLK

    James Earl Ray, killed King.
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    Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    warsaw pact troops invaded Czechoslovakia.
  • Star Wars

    The strategic defense initiative was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the united states from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons.
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    Assination of diem

    assianation of ho chi men