The wall of Berlin

By ihart
  • Division of Berlin

    Division of Berlin
    In 1949, democratic West Germany and communist East Germany were formed. Since the city of Berlin had been situated entirely within the Soviet zone of occupation, west Berlin became an island of democracy within communist East Germany.
  • Building of the wall of Berlin

    Building of the wall of Berlin
    Three million East Germans
    went to West Berlin. Among them were
    highly skilled workers or well-qualified
    managers. The Communist government
    could not afford to lose these high-quality
    people. Consequently, an East German soldier built a fence between the Soviet and Western sectors of Berlin. Within a few days, it was replaced with a wall.
  • Fall of the wall of Berlin

    Fall of the wall of Berlin
    The fall of the wall happened due to the opening of the borders between Austria and Hungary in May 1989, as more and more Germans traveled to Hungary. This led to several demonstrations. Consequently, on November 9, 1989, passage to the west was permitted. That same day, thousands of people crossed to the other side and no one could stop them, so a mass exodus occurred.