cold war

By Breet11
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    who:Korea, US, USSR
    Where: Korea
    what happened:the US and USSR had made peace and japan was occupying the land of Korea but the US and the USSR had advanced the 38th parallel and they made a peace line that would be a peace split of Korea. USSR didn't want free election so the two sides split into the north being communism and the south capitalism.
    how did it affect liberalism:it made less because korea became a communist country
  • Yalta Confrence

    who: USSR, US, Britain
    Where: Yalta Ukraine
    what happened: meeting of the 3 allies in WW2 when Germany was split into 4 different zones
    how did it effect liberalism: more liberalism because of free election and they were hopeful of it would make more.
  • Potsdam Conference

    who: USSR, US, Britain, the big 3
    where: Potsdam Germany
    what happened: Roosevelt had died and Truman had become the president and they had finished the atomic bombs. Churchill was out of most power but still was involved but now Clement Atlee was now in. It was known as the start of the Cold war and become anti-communist. How did it affect liberalism: more because they started to privatize places and also they were anti-communist. which is the polar opposite of liberalism.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing

    Who: US
    Where: Nagasaki and Hiroshima Japan
    What happened: the US had bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki because they had wanted to make it so they weren’t able to fight in war. They say they had done it for the end of the war to come but yet Japan had said they were wanting to pull out but US had still dropped those bombs
    How did it affect liberalism: it had made less liberalism because it was controlling people and making Japan have less rights and freedoms because many had been killed
  • Soviets creation of nuclear weapons

    Who: soviets
    Where: Soviet Russia
    What happened: the Soviet leader had learned that Germany and US had started building nuclear weapons so the soviets had decided that they were going to start so that they would be able to fight back against US and Germany and that they would be able to prove they can hold their ground
    How did it affect liberalism: it made less liberalism because it made everyone walk on eggshells because if they made a wrong move everything was gone
  • Molotov Plan

    who:USSR, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany.
    where: all over where the countries involved are
    what happened: the molotov plan was the same as the marshall plan but the only difference was that they were for the communist countries.
    how did it affect liberalism:less liberalism because it was for communism
  • Truman Doctrine

    who:Greece and Turkey
    where: Greece and Turkey
    what Happened: When Greece and Turkey had been destroyed there had been a 400 million economic and military care\aid package. Truman doctrine was to hopefully get people to support anti-communism
    how did it affect liberalism: it was more for liberalism because it was anti-communist and against public property.
  • Marshall Plan

    where:17 European countries
    what happened:There was an announcement that 13 billion dollars would be given to European countries for the damage the war had caused. US believed that is europe was prosperous again the they would be less likely to become communist. The European government was invited to Paris to discuss the soviets.
    How did it affect liberalism: They wanted more liberalism with no communism.
  • NATO

    Who:Canada, US, Iceland, Britain, France,Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands
    Where: in all of the countries involved
    what happened: Countries had decided to make an agreement that was called NATO that would involve many different countries so that if one of them was under attack or needed help the other members of NATO would come in and help out.
    how did it affect liberalism: it made more because they were intending on capitalism and having more freedom.
  • The Brussel Treaty

    where:5 Eastern European countries
    what happened:When they had officialized NATO and that if one country got attacked the others in NATO would come and fight for them and defend them. The Brussel Treaty became NATO in 1949
    How did it affect liberalism: More because they would defend each other which had caused more rights and freedoms for the ones countries.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    who: US, USSR, China,
    where: Vietnam
    what happened: the communists had fought against the French colonizers and won. South became democratic, North became communist. The US got involved by starting to send weapons out. Over a million civilians had died in this war. The North with help of USSR and China had won the war. At the end the whole country was called the socialist republic of Vietnam.
    how did it affect liberalism: its make both more and less liberalism because it is for socialism.
  • warsaw pact

    who: soviet union and 7 other soviet satellite countries
    where: warsaw poland
    what happened: was a agreement that help other countries with if one got attacked the others would help out like NATO but the warsaw pact was a lot about the soviets having a stronger hold over the other countries involved.
    How did it affect liberalism:less liberalism because it was to strengthen the soviets which were all about communism
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Who: Soviets and politburo
    Where: Hungary
    What happened: people had begun to protest against the soviets which had caused major problems and a new government was out in and the intention was to pull away from the Warsaw Pact but politburo went back on its word and invaded.
    How did it affect liberalism: its intention was to create more because it was protesting against the Soviets which stood for communism but they wanted to withdraw for communism and go towards liberalism

    who:US and Canada
    where: NORAD was is space because it was a satellite
    what happened: NORAD was satellites that were sent into space to do continental air defence against the threat of the soviets bombing. there was a big worry about the soviets bombing other places so they had started NORAD so that they would know ahead of time.
    how did it affect liberalism: More liberalism because they were trying to keep to soviets of and not involved or able to take over other countries.
  • Fidel Castro

    Who: Castro,US,USSR
    Where: Cuba
    What happened: The world was divided into two superpowers. Castro led a revolution and had overthrew the US. Castro was a socialist. US refused to lend Cuba money so the USSR stepped into help. The distance between Cuba and the US scared then so they got others to join the embargo v.s. Cuba
    How did it affect liberalism: causes less because socialist is like communism but socialist share everything equally
  • Period: to

    Bay of Pigs

    who:US goverment
    Where: Cuba
    what happened:The CIA had trained 1500 Cuban Exiles from Florida to storm the Bay of Pigs and overthrow Castro. When they had stormed the bay of pigs all 1500 of the Cuban exiles were either killed or taken prisoner.
    how did it affect liberalism: made less liberalism because the US had lost and Cuban were training to get rid of the socialist government.
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    Berlin Wall

    Who: east Europe (soviets)
    Where: Germany
    What happened: the soviets had built a wall in Germany so that they could keep eastern Germany from escaping. Pro democracy was spread across eastern Germany. The communist leaders had went out of power which caused the wall to come down and end the war.
    How did it affect liberalism: it had cause more liberalism when the wall came down because people were able to come and go as pleased, without being killed just for wanting on the other side of the wall.
  • End of the Cuban missile crisis

    Where: Cuba
    Who: Khrushchev and soviets
    What happened: The Cuban missile crisis ended when Khrushchev had announced that the Soviet missiles in Cuba would be dismantled and taken out of Cuba but it didn’t officially end until they removed their IL-28 bombs from Cuba.
    How did it affect liberalism: it created more liberalism because it gave more freedom and rights to the people in Cuba because they were no longer worried about the bombs and missiles going off.
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    Czechoslovakia revolution

    Who: Alex Dubcek
    Where: Czechoslovakia
    What happened: Alex Dubcek came into power and began liberalization and the Soviets got angry so the Warsaw Pact members came and invaded and they held the land until 1990
    How did it affect liberalism: in the beginning when Alex Dubcek was in power it created more cause he was for liberalism but when the soviets took over it cause less because the soviets were communist.
  • Period: to

    Nuclear Arms Treaty

    Who: US,USSR
    Where: Holsinki Finland
    What happened: Nixon signed a strategic arms limitation treaty which limited anti-ballistic missives and froze intercontinental missiles to 1054.
    How did it affect liberalism: it caused less liberalism because it takes away the rights of some countries. All though it isn’t a bad thing but if you look at it a certain way it does take a the freedom to do what you want away because it gives you lines you can’t cross.
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    Solidarity in Poland

    Who: Walesa and soviets
    Where: Poland
    What happened: a trade union formed called solidarity. The trade union grew and and the soviets got angry, it was so strong that the communist government had to make an negotiation with them. This then led to an election where Walesa was a liberal that was elected which had led to a anti-soviets movement.
    How did it affect liberalism: it created more because there was an anti-soviets movement which caused more liberalism.
  • End of the Cold War

    Who: Reagan/US, Mikhal Gorbachev/USSR
    Where: east and west
    What happened: the end of the war happened because the east and the west became friends and that’s when the war ended but the East and the West’s issues didn’t soften up until the the mid 80s
    How did it affect liberalism: it created more liberalism because it caused more freedom for everyone because there was no more Cold War.