Cold War

  • Nato founded

    Nato founded
    +founded in washington dc
    +objective during cold war: : secure member state security through deterrance and armament
    ++idea of mutual defense valid to this day
    +military complement to COMECON (which is a economic complement to the ERP but whatever man )
    +counterpart to the NATO is the warsaw pact
    +lmao we need to stop with these complements
  • Schuhman Declaration

    +RObert Shuhman (French foreign minister) proposes combination of french and german coal and steal production into one entity in order to prevent war
  • Period: to

    Korean (Proxy) War

    +Korea occuppied by Japan in 1910
    +then defeated by allies
    +USA and soviet occupation
    +38th deg of latitude became seperation line that lasts to this day
    +nagotiations for joined korea failed
  • European Coal and Steal Community (ECSC) founded

    +Italy, Luxemburg, FRG, Belgium, Netherlands, France
    +appoint representatives to high authority, that secures a well regulated common market + supply
    +can interfere with national customs
  • German Rearmmament conditions

    +Adenauer previously wanted army and rampart against the east
    +bundestag conditions for rearmament:
    +Revocation of occupation statute
    +full soverignty in domestic and foreign affairs
    +future peace treatys should nto interfere with frg integration into the west
    ++berlin=FRG and future united germany should be oriented along FRGs economic policies
    +no restrictions should remain from the occupation
    =>on legislation, industry and research
    +occupation statue security aims obsolete
  • Stalin-Notes (March-Notes)

    +In the first note, stalin offers allies united german peace treaty
    => germany restored as sovereign state (w/o eastern territory)
    => occupation armies withdrawn, democratic parties allowed
    =>new germany not allowed to ally with ww2 enemies
    => note exchange continued until allies demanded democratic elections
  • Germany joins NAto

  • Warsaw Pact founded

    Warsaw Pact founded
  • Treaty of Rome

    +integration of FRG into the west
    +established European Economic Communitty (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM)
    ++frg politicians limited by having to pander to western allies and through treaties with them
  • Fidel Castro overthrows Dictator Battista

    Fidel Castro overthrows Dictator Battista
    +Cube becomes COmmunist
    +USA stops supporting Cuba
    +Castro more and more relies on the Soviet Union for support
    +Chance for soviet to break american encirclement
  • Berlin Wall Construction begins

    Berlin Wall Construction begins
    +GDR not recognized as a state without the USSR as ally
    +Hallstein Doctrine:
    => assuming diplomatic relations with GDR is an "unfriendly act" toward the FRG
    +territorial position of berlin
    => gdr tried to declare berlin a free city, attempt failed
    +poor living conditions in the GDR
    => people wanted to leave
  • USSR ships missiles to cuba

    +John F Kennedy announces desruction of every soviet ship suspected to carry missiles to cuba +ussr eventually gives in, forcing usa to destroy missiles in turky in the process
  • Soviet troops invade czechslovakia

    +Czechslovakian COmmunist Party had started a democratic reform movement
    +Prague Spring
    +ussr saw this as counter-revolutionary and tried to crush em
  • Brezhnev Doctrine

    +Soviet satelite states have limited sovereignty
    +retroactively justified czech invasion
  • Warsaw Genuflection

    Warsaw Genuflection
    Chancellor Willi Brandt dropped to his knees in front of the Warsaw Ghetto uprinsing memorial
    +despite having been sent into exile by the nazis
    => still takes responsibilioty for germanys crimes
  • Basic Treaty

    +relations between german states settled
    +Result of new Policy pursued by Williy Brandt
    +"change through reapprochement" by Egon Bahr
    +Until 1969, FRG had speculated on the Eastern Regime collapsing as neseccary for reunification
    +The Hallstein Doctrine had blocked relationship between the states
  • Helsinki Accords

    +FRG GDR are now in the CSCE (Security Cooperation)
    ++Contain 10 points, one being respect for human rights
    => soviet union could not supress free speech that hard
  • Ronald Reagan elected president

    +Reagan Doctrine: "peace through strength"
    +policy of déntene over
  • Mikhail Gorbachev elected USSR general secretary

    Mikhail Gorbachev elected USSR general secretary
    +his thesis: communist state can only tackle economic problems with reforms
    +glasnost (openness)
    => economic decisions more transparent
    => opening state processes for the sitizens
    +perestroika (restructuring)
    => debureaucratisation
    =>decentralization of the planned economy, making it more efficient
    +Gorbachev didn't want to abolish socialism, but reform and stabilize it +stalin victims rehabilitated, freedom of speech, press, religion guaranteed, companies allowed, market economy + satelite aut
  • Reykjavik Summit

    +Gorbatchevs reforms make USA change their collision course
    +ronald reagan and gorbatchev both attend summit
    +achieve progress on nuclear disarmament
  • Estonia, Lativa, Lithuania proclaim independence

    soviet union tires to militarily stop them
    +but intervention fails
    be me
    plan intervention
    intervention failed
  • LAtiva, Estonia, Lituania recognized by EU

  • START 1 signed

    +strategic arms reduction treatz signed bz gorbatchev and george bush
    +initiated by reagan in 1982
  • Warsaw Pact dissolved

  • Dissolution of the Soviet Union

    +Russia, Ukraine, Belarus agree on desolution
    +replaced with commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)