Cold War

By eraney
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Ended August 2, 1945. This conference occured to discuss what to do about Germany at the end of WWII. Germany was divided into East and West.
  • Creation of the Truman Doctrine

    Creation of the Truman Doctrine
    Truman announced that the United States would be giving aid to countries under threat of becoming communist. This doctrine partially influenced the Korean War.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization created

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization created
    NATO Alliance was established to fight against a potential invasion of Europe by Russia or other potential threats.
  • Soviet Union tests their first atomic bomb

    Soviet Union tests their first atomic bomb
    Until this point, only the United States had working atomic bombs. This advancement made the Soviet Union more of a threat.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    A treaty between Czechkoslovakia, East Germany, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, and the Soviet Union. Also called the 'Treaty of Friendship.'
  • Soviets Launch Satellite

    Soviets Launch Satellite
    The Soviets launched Sputnik I, starting the Space Race.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The CIA failed in training Cubans to overthrow the Cuban government. This failure was seen as a major embarrassment to the United States.
  • Berlin Wall is built

    Berlin Wall is built
    The wall was built to stop citizens of East Germany from escaping to West Germany
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    United States placed missiles in Turkey. The Soviet Union countered by starting to put missiles in Cuba. The US Navy blockaded ships transferring missiles.
  • US sends troops to Vietnam

    US sends troops to Vietnam
    Proxy war betwen US and Soviet Union. Beginning of Vietnam war.
  • South Vietnam turns communist

    South Vietnam turns communist
    US efforts to keep Vietnam from falling communist seem wasted
  • Diplomacy between US and China

    Diplomacy between US and China
    China was communist at the time, and the Reagan Administration established diplomatic ties with them regardless.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becomes president in Soviet Union

    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes president in Soviet Union
    Glasnost (public policy of discussing economics and politics openly) established.
    Program of economic and political change enacted
  • Berlin Wall taken down

    Berlin Wall taken down
    After prompting from Reagan, the Berlin wall is destroyed, unifying Berlin.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    Due to economic failure and civil unrest, the communist government was taken from power. End of the Cold War.