The Creation of NATO
The National Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in response to the Soviet Union. Its goal was to deter Soviet expansionism, forbid the revival of nationalist militarism in Europe, and encourage European political integration. In addition, this is significant during the Cold War because Communists were aided by the Soviets. They took control of West Germany and blockaded Allied-controlled West Berlin. As a response the NATO was created to stop Soviets from control and contain communism. -
Soviets Create and Test Nuclear Bomb
The creation a test of the Soviet nuclear bomb was a significant part during the Cold War. Since the Soviets and U.S. were brinksmanships, the creation of the nuclear bomb made it look like that the Soviets were becoming ahead of the U.S. in the arms race. They first tested it in Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan. The explosion was 20 kilotons about equal to the first U.S. atomic explosion known was "Trinity." The code name for the Soviets first atomic bomb was known as the "First Lightening." -
The Creation of the Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was established to create a mutual defense organization that allowed the Soviets to have command of armed forces of the member states. The main reason for the creation of Warsaw was in response to the creation of NATO by the United States and other members. It was also a result of Western Germany being integrated into NATO. The Warsaw Pact was significant during the Cold War because that's when it was created and the Soviet wanted to maintain control in Europe to spread communism -
The Soviets Launch Sputnik
Sputnik was the very first unmanned satellite created by the Soviet Union. This feared Americans because they were afraid the Soviets had gotten far ahead in technology. This is significant to the Cold War because during this time the Americans feared the Soviets had gained the upper hand in the arms race. As a reult Eisenhower didn't want the democarts to fall behind the communists so he created the satellite known as Explorer. -
Olympic Rivalry: 1972 Basketball Game
During tihis game the Soviets were facing the U.S. and were down by one point. There was only 3 seconds left in the game and the Soviets managed to score the game winning basekt at the final buzzer. The Americans protested the outcome, but the results remained. This was the first ever loss for the U.S. since the sport began in the Olympics in 1936. This is significant to the Cold War because the Soviets and the U.S. did not get along because of them being a oommunist nation. -
1980 Olympic Hockey Game
On this day, the USA and the Soviet Union hockey teams faced eachother in an Olympic game. This game is known as the "Miracle on Ice." During this game the U.S. managed to defeat the Soviets who had won the gold medal in 6 of 7 previous games.This is significant to the Cold War because the Soviets and U.S. had major competition between eachother and wanted to be better than one another. This allowed the U.S. feel that they had won the competition. -
(n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2015.
(2015, September 28). Retrieved November 10, 2015.
(2015, September 29). Retrieved November 10, 2015.
History. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2015.
Soviet Union launches Sputnik I. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2015.
Soviets explode atomic bomb. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2015.