Cold War

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Postdam Confrence

    Postdam Confrence
    The final warime meeting of the leaders of the allied "big three" nations and dealt chiefy with the future of Germany and the role of the Soviet Union. No peace treaty was signed between the allies of Germany
  • Begining of the Cold War

    Begining of the Cold War
    A satate of tension, competition and hostility between the Soviet Union (west) and the United States (east)
  • Berlin Blockade/ Airlift

    Communist block off means of transport like railroads, roads and even water. The airlift was the U.S. giving food and supplies to Berlin to ensure them with enough food and supplies.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Distruption in Southeast Asia and U.S.. War ended in complete communist take over in 1975.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    A physical barrier that seperates West Berlin and East Berlin. It was built to keep West Berlin citizens from crossing over to the East Berlin side and going to East Germany.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Ended on October 28, 1962. This crisis was the stand off between U.S. president J.F.K and the Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev over the Soviet plan to instal nuclear missles on the island of Cuba, jut 100 miles away from Flordia. Oct. 27 American u-2 reconnaissance plane was shot down over Cuba
  • Glasnot/ Perestroika

    The Soviet Union engulfed in a multitude of problems-the economy, agriculture, and tech. The goals that were to destroy more rights and freedoms helped cause the end of the Cold War.
    Glasnot= openess(social and political reforms.)
    Perestroika= reconstruction of the political and economic systems.
  • Fall of Communism/ Soviet Union

    The soviet union ceased to exist when 11 of it's constituent republic declared creation of the CIS. It aslon declared the common wealth of Independent states