cold war

  • Yalta Conference (1945)

    Yalta Conference (1945)
    Took place in a Russia at the Yalta conference. The leaders from the allies went to Yalta. The allies had victory in Europe. In this conference they were discussing how Germany was going to be in the future.
  • Berlin declaration (1945)

    Berlin declaration (1945)
    The Western powers met for the first time with the Soviet Union. There was a meeting and the Soviet forces in Berlin were there. They signed a document and it was called Berlin Declaration. They signed another document named Allied Control Council. The Western powers and the Soviet Union always had tensions between them.
  • potsdam conference (1945)

    potsdam conference (1945)
    The big three and the U.S president met in Potsdam. The allies kept there commitment to fighting or joint the war in the pacific. One of there discussions was how to handle Germany. The Soviet Union had pressed a postwar reparations from Germany. Another big discussions was the German-soviet-polish borders.
  • North Vietnam (1945)

    North Vietnam  (1945)
    Japanese sign the surrender agreement in Tokyo Bayyo to end World War II in the Pacific. Ho Chi Minh said that north Vietnam could have indepence. The person in charge of North Vietnam's military for the while Vietnam War year was Vo Nguyen Giap.The communists took over North Vietnam.
  • Iron curtain speech (1946)

    Iron curtain speech (1946)
    The President of the U.S gave a speech. He said that the U.S was the most powerful. Truman and Churchill went to Fulton, Missouri. Churchill speechless on the stage. Churchill impressed the people with his European language.
  • First Indochina War (1946)

    First Indochina War (1946)
    This was from December 1946 and Aug 1954. In the West his conflictwas referred to a First Indochina. This help defeat Japan in 1945. Also the power struggl in which withdrawal from Vietnam. The Chinese and British were drove by anti-communist. The French had 50,000 troops in Vietnam. French naval vesels bombarded the northern port city o Haiphong.
  • Marshall plan (1947)

    Marshall plan (1947)
    The Marshall plan helped the U.S economy by doing markets for American goods. The soviets were worried over the U.S economy domination in Eastern Europe. The Marshall Plan was applied to Western Europe. This increased Western Europe economy. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe could have applied to this plan.
  • containment policy (1947)

    containment policy (1947)
    This Policy was for the Soviets. This plan had two ideas. One of them was for the military. And the other one was for economic. This rapid the growth in Communist parties. Mostly in France, Italy. The U.S wanted to make a program for economic aid .
  • Berlin airlift (1948)

    Berlin airlift (1948)
    This was when the Soviet Union closed all roads. Also the rail travel to get to West Berlin. This was located in the Soviet place in Germany. The U.S was suprise that the Soviets did that. Truman didn't want to cause world war 3 so he ordered to airlift supplies to west berlin.
  • Berlin blockade(1948)

    Berlin blockade(1948)
    This is when the first tensions of the cold war started. Part of the blockade happened in April. And the rest happened in June. There were three ideas in that led blockade. One of them is the Marshall Plan and the London conference. And the last one was the resultant London program.
  • NATO (1949)

    NATO (1949)
    This was a pact with the Soviets agreed ion with western Europe. NATO was another word for the U.S military. They were a lot of disagreements on the postwar of Germany. Alot of Americans didn't like NATO. NATO didn't last though the cold war.
  • Soviet Union Tests A-Bomb (1949)

    Soviet Union Tests A-Bomb (1949)
    The USSR was the first to use the atomic bomb. Another name for ir is the First Lightning. To measure the effect of the blast. The soviets scientisit constructed buildinds,bridges, and cages so they could practice onthem doing the atomic bomb. The atomic explosion which at 20 kilotons was roughly equal.
  • Korean War (1950)

    Korean War (1950)
    This was a problem between the communist and the non communist.when the world war 2 finished Korea was divide in to the Soviets and the U.S. After North Korea and invades South Korea forces. The United nations reacted quickly. And they wanted withdrawal against the Korean troops.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (1951)

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (1951)
    They were a married couple convicted osf conspiracy to commit espionage in 1952. They were put to death in 1951 in the electric chair. Their execution marked the end of the most controversial espionage case of the Cold War. Julius was arrested in July 1950 and Ethel in August of the same year.
  • Eisenhower presidency (1953)

    Eisenhower presidency (1953)
    Eisenhower led the invation of the Nazi that began in D-day. He controlled some of the cold war tensions with the Soviet Union. Also the nuclear weapons. The Americans really liked Eisenhower. He failed in forcing the Supreme Court. He also failed in the civil rights of the African Americans.
  • Nikita khrushchev (1953)

    Nikita khrushchev (1953)
    The government of the the Soviet Union announces that he selected to be in the offices. Nikita has been in the communist party before. When Stalin dead it didnt take a long time for Nikita to take advantage of Malenkov. Nikita was in power of the secretariat. The cause of Nikita power rising cased more problems with the Soviets and the U.S.
  • Warsaw pact (1955)

    Warsaw pact (1955)
    This was a treaty for the Soviets in power for the armed forces of member states. The Soviet Union and seven of European satellites signed this treaty.the members were Poland, Romina, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria. This treaty remained until 1991. This was in danger to start another war. This was a threat to the national security if peace loving states.
  • Suez Crisis (1956)

    Suez Crisis (1956)
    The EgyptainPresiden Gamal Abdel Nasser announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal company. The Suez Canal was owned by the British-Frfench enterprise.The British and the French government Nasser's offered full economic compensation. They wew outraged by the nationlization.
  • Hungarian Revolution (1956)

    Hungarian Revolution (1956)
    Soviet forces lanuched a major attack on hungary aimed at crushing. Hungarian Prime Minster Imre Nagy announced the ivasion to the nations in a grim.The defeat o9f the Hungarian revolution was one of the Cold War.The whole nations appeared to have taken up arms against the regime.
  • sputnik (1957)

    sputnik (1957)
    The first successful launch was when the Soviets did of the first satellite was a lost the same size as a beach ball. It would take about 98 mins to get to Earth. It weighted 183.9 pounds. This was marked as the space age in the U.S and the U.S.S.R space race.
  • Cuban revolution (1959)

    Cuban revolution (1959)
    The Cuban revolution had to rush the exploits of Fulgencio Batista. Batista exiled Castro ti Mexico. Batista did an operation to get Castro's military soldiers. The communist had a little more hamper than the Cuban economy. This established as mortality rate and the highest literacy rate of Latin American nation.
  • U2 incident (1960)

    U2 incident (1960)
    There was an American pilot. U2 for shot down when it was flying over the Soviet airspace. The U2 could fly over 70,000 feet. Because these planes could fly it could of fly through the Soviet Union undetected by radar on the ground. It was important that overflows can be undetected.
  • Kennedy presidency (1960)

    Kennedy presidency (1960)
    Kennedy was a Democrat. He defeated the Republican vice president Richard M. Nixon. Kennedy became the first Roman catholic. He was the youngest president.Kennedy was born on the 20th century.
  • Vietnam War - American involvement

    Vietnam War - American involvement
    South Vietnam signed a military and treaty with the United Stataes.In early 1965, the United States beagn air raids on North Vietnam and on Communist-controlled areas in the South. In 1966 there were 190,000 U.S. troops in South Vietnam. Despite the massive U.S. military aid, heavy bombing, they were unable to defeat North Vietnam.
  • First Men in Space (1961)

    First Men in Space (1961)
    The first men that went to space was Yuri Gagarin. It took him 108 mins by orbital flight. The first cooperative human space flight project between the U.S and the Soviet Union took place in 1975. The Apollo-soyuz Test Project was designed to the test the compatibility of rendezvous.The space Shuttle began visitinbg the Russian Mir space sitation.
  • Bay of pigs (1961)

    Bay of pigs (1961)
    Thi invasion began when a trained group of cubans refugees in Cuba.Castro was concern to U.S policymakers. He was in power in Cuba.Castro attacks the U.S companies. Cubans were moving closer to the Soviet Union.
  • Berlin wall (1961)

    Berlin wall (1961)
    East Germany forces began to bulit the wall. West Berlin was a gateway to the democraic West. In Aug they had 2,000 East Germans. Most of them were refugees were labers,professionals. East Germany that it close off access between East and West Berlin.
  • Checkpoint Charlie (1961)

    Checkpoint Charlie (1961)
    American and the Soviet tanks faced in Berlin at the U.S Army. Postwar germany was divided by the ailled victors into zone of occupation.Soviet attempts to interfere with the Ailled access to Berlin and Ailled access to East Berlin. Thw walls construction brought to the crisis stage Soviet efforts to subvert agreements regarding access to Berlin
  • jfk assassinationn (1963)

    jfk assassinationn (1963)
    Ater noon he was shot in Dallas.He was campaiging in Texas.This trip to Dallas was for natural resources and consveration.One of hes goals was to bring the democratcs together.He got shot in a Linclon converible. The guy that shot him was Lee Harvey Oswald. He shot him 3 times.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    U.S. ships in the gulf of Tonkin Resolution were attacked by North Vietnam. The U.S. went againt the attackers. The joint resolution to " promote the mainttenance of international peace and security in southeast Asia". THe gulf of Tonkin Resolution stated that the congress agreed with the president to use all necessary measures to prevent any further aggression.
  • SALT I (1967)

    SALT I (1967)
    SALT I, The first series of Strategic Arms Limitations Talks, extended from November 1969 to May 1972. During this period the United States and the Soviet Union negotiated the first agreement to place limits and restraints on some of their central and most important armaments.
  • Nixon presidency (1969)

    Nixon  presidency (1969)
    On January 20th,1969 they announced that he was the new president of the United States. He was sworn in as the 37th President of teh United States. He got congress to approved the Anti Ballistic missile defense system.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    this was the first color transmission from Earth. One of the astronauts was Neil Armstrong. also Edwin "buzz" Aldrin were one of trhe first to get to the moon and walk on it. When they were there they put a U.S flag on the moon President kennedy announced when they landed on the moon. The last moon mission was in 1972.
  • Paris Peace Accords (1973)

    Paris Peace Accords (1973)
    The U.S and South Vietnam, Viet cong, and North Vietnam signed an agreement. This agreement was for ending of the war. They called it Paris Peace Accords. This agreement included a cease-fire thoughout Vietnam.Also the U.S had to withdrawal all of the U.S troops and advisors.
  • Fall of saigon (1975)

    Fall of saigon (1975)
    Communist North Vietnamese and viet cong forces. Foring South Vietnam to surrender and bringng about an end to the Vietnam War.The president of the former non-communist Goverment of southb Vietnam.The announce his administrations surrender.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989)

    Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989)
    This is when the Chinese troops stromed thourgh Tianamen Sqaure. The Chinese goverment assaulted the protesters shocked the West and brought denunciations. Nerlya mililon Chinese most of them were students. Chinese troops and sercurity police stromed through Tianamen Sqaure.Other protesters fougtht back.
  • Fall of the berlin wall (1989)

    Fall of the berlin wall (1989)
    The leader of the East German communist party annouced that citizens of GDR could croos the border.The night that it fall ecstatic crowds swarened tyhe walls. Some of them croossed free ito West Berlin. While some would have to bring hammers and picks and bbegan to chipb away at the wall itself. Right now the berlin wall remain one of the most powerful and enduring symbol of the cold war.
  • Dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991)

    Dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991)
    The Soviet Union went into 15 separte countries.It collapse was halled by the westv as a victory freedom. The U.S brought there enemies to its knees. This almost end trhe Cold War.When the Soviet Union brokie up this made it to a world political situation. THis was leading to compelete reformulation of political ,economice and military.