Cold War

  • G.i. bill (servicemen adjustment act of 1944)

    it gave servicemen chances to go to colleges and trade schools or buy houses or business. because servicemen were going to trade schools it help advance technology because lots of service men used the money to buy homes to start families makng mass production on houses in urban areas
  • Air conditioning

    many of the central changes in our society after ww2 wouldnt have been possible if ac was not keeping homes aand workplaces cool everyone wanted ac down at the sun belt in hollywood golden age. where ac it self was an attraction so when it was exploding around 1950s car homes and businesses had people migrating down south where its hot as hell
  • Polio vaccine

    jonas salk developed the 1st effective polio vaccine in 1952 . his vaccine was tested in the francis field trial when it begsn it involved approximately 4000 children but would grow to eventually involved around 1.8 million children across 44 states it was the largest medical experiment at the time. april of 1955the vaccine was liscenesed for distribution he never patented the vaccine so he didnt mak any money but instead made it easily
  • Baby Boom

    Population started growing rapidly . men who came back from war wanted someone who would carry out their legacy. so they started fornicating. the total births per year during this period grew from 2.3 million to 4.3 million. this boom and the g.i bill (service men's readjustment act of 1944) helped veterans lead developers into building cheaper
  • Apollo 2

    the apollo 2 mission was arguably the most significant event during the space race between the us and the s.u. , it was significant because buzz aldrin and neil armstrong were the 1st people to step foot on a whole other world and help secure the win i nthe space race for the us