G.I. Bill
Period: to
Truman Presidency
Period: to
Baby Boomers
Churchill speech on "Iron Curtain"
Taft-Harley Act
Period: to
Korean War
Stalin dies
Period: to
Eisenhower presidency
Brown v. Board of Education
Period: to
Vietnam War
Montgomery bus boycott
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was formed
Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee forms (SNCC)
Period: to
Kennedy presidency
Bay of Pigs
Congress sponsers the Freedom Rides
Berlin Wall
Cuban Missile Crisis
March on Washington
John Kennedy Assasination
Period: to
Johnson presidency
Civil rights act of 1964
Gulf of Tonkin
VISTA prgram begins
Johnson establishes a Medicare system
March of Selma
Johnsons Housing and Urban Development Act
Voting Rights Act of 1965
NOW (National Organization for Women) was founded
Tet Offensive
My Lai Massacre
Matin Luther King Jr. Assasination
Period: to
Woodstock Mustic Festival
Four students killed at Kent State University
Pentagon papers leaked
Nixon and Kissinger visits Communist China
Nixon Visits Soviet union
Nixon announces that American troops would leave Vietnam in 60 days
Roe Vs. Wade
Saturday Night Massacre
Period: to
Ford presidency
Nixon resigns
Period: to
Carter presidency
Camp David Accords
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Period: to
Reagen presidency
Reform Act of 1986
Iran-Contra Affair