Cold War

By lina64
  • World War 2 Begins

  • Period: to

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    -Him and Stalin had a good relationship and there was low tensions between Capitalism and Communism
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    Joseph Stalin

    -Leader of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the Cold War
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    Winston Churchill

    -Leader of Britain
    -Hated Communism
  • The Manhattan Project

    -America created the first atomic bomb and tested it
    -They hid it and never told the East about it
  • Tehran Conference

    -First Conference between the Grand Alliance
    -They discussed how to defeat Hitler
  • Yalta Conference

    -Discussed that Germany and Berlin would be split into 4 different parts
    -Discussed the Soviet Union having a sphere of influence as a buffer zone
  • Period: to

    Harry Truman

    -Hated Communism
    -Created the Truman Doctrine
    -Created the Marshall Plan
    -Started the 'Containment' project
  • Potsdam Conference

    -Tensions increase between the East and West
    -Hitler was defeated
    -Tensions increased because of atomic bombs held by the West which threatened the East
    -They were used to scare the East from fighting the West
  • Period: to

    Clement Attlee

    New leader of Britain
  • Bombing on Hiroshima

    -America dropped a bomb on Japan after they refused to stop fighting
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    -America dropped another bomb on Japan 3 days later after they refused to stop fighting
  • World War 2 Ends

  • Trizonia was Formed

    -France, Britain and USA's parts of Germany were joined together to form Trizonia
    -They had their own currency
    -This greatly angered the Soviet Union as they now had a smaller part than the West
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

    -Stalin felt threatened by Trizonia being formed
    -He created a blockade around Berlin to try and take it
    -America sent planes every 90 seconds to send supplies to Berlin
    -Lasted 318 days until Stalin eventually gave in