Russian Communist Revolution
there was a Civil War and the communist ended up winning and became the first communist country -
Treaty of Versallies
Ended WW1 and restored peace but also put many problems on Germany like heavy reperation, lost land etc. -
League of Nations
An international organization to promote cooperation and peace. -
Yalta Conferance
A Conferance held in Yalta between Stallin, Roosevelt, and Churchhill to discuss the plans after WW2 where they agreed on territorial division -
United Nations
Was created after WW2 and was an organization formed by states around the woulrd to help sustain peace but not much was done because many ideas were vetoed by another state. And there were two parts to the U.N. the General Assembly and the Security Council -
General Assembly
Was part of the United Nations and had many countries part of it and helped try to make decisions -
This is when two countries if they were to attack each other using nuclear weapons both would end in destruction (Mutual Assured Destruction) -
Nuremberg Trials
To punish the German leaders for what they had done durring WW2 most were found guilty and were sentenced to death or imprisionment. -
Iron Curtain Speech
The Sinews of Peace was what Churchhill named his speech and this was a post war speech about the Russians -
Marshall Plan
Is a program that the U.S. started and offered European countries money to help out their economy but they had to spend the money on U.S. products. Communist countries did not accecpt the money. -
Truman Doctrine
This is a policy to contain communism by helping any country threatened by it. -
Berlin Airlift
This was a response to the Berlin Blockade and gave western Germany supplies needed for almost a year -
NATO Created
NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization created to aviod war and help nations but it was also an alliance -
Chinese Communist Revolution
Was a civil war between China when Communist raised up in China and started to revolt. -
Joseph McCarthy speech
When McCarthy spoke false words of many communist spies in our government it started the red scare in the U.S. -
Korean War
A Civil War between North and South Korea along the 38th parrallel. North Korea was aided by fellow communist and the south was aided by the U.S. and the U.N. -
Nuclear Deterrent
When a country does not use nuclear weapons because as a result if they did both countries would be mutually destroyed -
Warsaw Pact
This is an alliance between communist countries to "counter" NATO -
The first sattalite lauched in space and it was the Soviets -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
A failed military invasion by the CIA and Cuban exiles on Cuba -
Building of the Berlin Wall
Was built by the Russians (East Berlin) to seperate Berlin and divide it in 2 -
Fidel Castro Proclaims Communist Cuba
Castro declares Cuba a communist country and their alliances with russia -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Khrushcev installed missiles in Cuba but The U.S. found out and blockaded cuba and a deal was struck between the countries. -
Berlin wall "upgrade"
The berlin wall was replaced with concrete blocks and reniforced with steel -
U.S. Sends troops to Vietnam
Johnson was gives authority by congress to send more troops to vietnam -
Baruch Plan
Was a plan to regulate atomic energy between countries proposed by the U.S. government -
Non-Proliferation Agreement
this is an international treaty whose objective was to limit the production of nuclear weapons -
Apollo 11
Was the first space flight that had humans land on the moon and this won the space race for the Americans -
Kent State Shooting
Students were protesting the Cambodian Campaign. President Nixion promised to end the Vietnam War but started the first draft lottery since WW2 and many college students were affected. -
SALT 1/2
The Stratigic Arms Limitaion Talks between the Russians and the U.S. -
Fall of Saigon
This was the end of the Vietnam War when it was taken over by communist and then the U.S. found out that the Domino theory was wrong -
Deng Xiaoping
Was the leader of the People's Republic of China and shared his power -
Pope John Paul ii
Helped in all causes of getting rid of communism and was the second longest pope in office -
Margaret Thatcher
She was the leader of the conservative party and became the first woman Prime Minister in British history -
Soviets invade Afghanistan
The Soviets invaded Afghanistan and tried to take over to "add to their collection " of territories but afghan was backed by the U.S. the United Kingdoms and more. and it ended when soviets withdrew their troops -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
East Germany allowed the gates to be open and people rushed through in joy and happiness -
Lech Walesa
A polish poltician and the soviets block first independent trade union -
Was the Stratigic Arms Reduction Treaty between the U.S and U.S.S.R.